Special issue- GCBSS Conference Malaysia
Title: 9th& 10th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2019
Theme: Contemporary Issues in Management Studies Research
Guest Editor in Chief: Asst. Prof. Dr. Kashan Pirzada- University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Editorial note-9-10th GCBSS
1. Investigating the influence of servicescape on customer loyalty at a fine - dining restaurants in Jaipur - Aravind Kumar Rai & Anirvinna, C. (Manipal University Jaipur, India)
2. Globalization or Localization – factors to be considered by architects in their architectural practices - Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil (USM, Malaysia) & Wong Teik Aun, Racheal Poh & Khor Wei Min (Inti International College, Malaysia)
3. Cross-Border Migration in the Border Area of Jagoi Babang, Indonesia with Serikin, Sarawak, Malaysia: A Case study of Indonesian Traders at Serikin Market, Sarawak, Malaysia - Opportunities and Challenges - Antonia Sasap Abao (Tanjungpura University, Indonesia)
4. Cap Go Meh Festival as a multicultural event in tourism policy at Singkawang City, Indonesia - Ira Patriani (FISIP Tanjungpura University, Indonesia) & Rasidi Burhan (State of Pontianak Polytechnic, Indonesia)
5. Smart City (SC) – Smart Village (SC) and the ‘Rurban’ Concept from a Malaysia-Indonesia perspective - Jalaluddin Abdul Malek & Rabeah Adawiyah Baharudin (The National University of Malaysia)
6. The effects of restaurant attributes on customers’ emotions and loyalty - Alada, K.C.O. & Castaño, M.C.N. (The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, Philippines)
7. The relationship between serious leisure, flow experience, leisure benefit and quality of life of Yoga - Shiao-Chi Hsu (Taichung Municipal Cheng Kong Junior High, Taiwan) & Li-Wei Liu (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
8. Public policy and rural tourism development in East Java Province, Indonesia - M. Nilzam Aly, Rahmat Yuliawan, Upik Dyah Eka Noviyanti, Aji Akbar Firdaus & Ari Prasetyo (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)
9. Tenganan indigenous village as a cultural historical tourism destination in Bali Island, Indonesia - Poppy Firtatwentyna Nilasari, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto Sitindjak & Laksmi Kusuma Wardani (Petra Christian University, Indonesia
10. What do Millennials see in Indonesia? An analysis of Generation Y travel intentions through Social Media - Vita Briliana (Trisakti School of Management, Indonesia)
11. The decision taken by the SME Kopi Malam Jumat (Friday Night Coffee) towards improving their culture by adopting E-Commerce as a vehicle towards Internationalisation - Elya Kurniawati & Kun Sila Ananda (Malang State University, Indonesia)
12. Factors attracting Indonesian medical tourists to Penang (Azreen Rozainee Abdullah & Sweeting Cheah (KDU Penang University College, Malaysia), Victor Bangun Mulia,(Politeknik Internasional Bali, Indonesia) & Irfan Afif Abdul Fatah (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
13. Developing Community-Based Ecotourism in Minalungao National Park - Regina B. Zuniga (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Philippines)
14. The effect of TOURQUAL dimensions on behavioral intentions to revisit Pandawa Beach, Bali, Indonesia - Tri Palupi Robustin & Nanik Hariyana (University of Jember, Indonesia)
15. Evaluating implementation of a CSR program for Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia: A case study of Global Geopark Ciletuh (N. Nurlaela Arief & Melia Famiola (Institute Technologi Bandung, Indonesia) & M. Rahman Roestan & Zaki Zakaria (Bio Farma, Indonesia)
16. A documentary film for Ilocano cultural preservation - Karla Auria S. Galeon (Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines)
17. Coffee as geo-product of a small island geopark increasing livelihood in a local community - A study in Belitung Island - Ayu Krishna Yuliawati , Rofi Rofaida & Budhi Pamungkas Gautama (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) & 1. Asti Nur Aryanti (STIE INABA, Indonesia)
18. Quality improvement initiatives for public transportation based on a customers and service providers approach - Mokh. Adib Sultan, Rofi Rofaida, Annisa Ciptagustia & Vanessa Gaffar (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
19. Communities’ support for tourism development and environmental conservation programs in Ipo Watershed, Philippines - Anthony Vincent Thomas M. Bravo* & Mary Caroline N. Castaño (University of Santo Tomas, Philippines)
20. Rupiah currency strengthening at border area West Kalimantan Province - Gun Tembawang, Suruh Tembawang Village, Entikong District - Sri Haryaningsih, M.Si & Ira Patriani, M.Si (Tanjungpura University, Indonesia)
21. A cohort study on homeless ways of life and happiness in Bangkok - Peera Tangtammaruk (Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand) & Thanee Chaiwat (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
22. A strategic framework of good governance, infrastructure development and community empowerment in Indonesian Public Sector Management - Fernandes Simangunsong & Imelda Hutasoit (Institute of Government Study, Indonesia) & Ilham Sentosa (Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School, Malaysia)
23. Intellectual capital: extended VAIC model and building of a new HCE concept: the case of Padang Restaurant Indonesia -Hanif Hanif, Abdulah Rakhman & Muhammad Nurkholis (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie, Indonesia) & Kashan Pirzada (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)
24. Exploring IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) strategies in an Islamic tourist destination: The case of Sharia Beach, Santen Island, Banyuwangi - Dian Y Reindrawati, Nur E Suriani & Asmorowati, S. (Universitas Airlangga, Jl Dharmawangsa Dalam, Indonesia)
VOLUME 8(5) 2019
1. The tourism journey, from inspiration to post-travel phase, and the mobile technologies - Maria Nascimento Cunha (Coimbra Superior School of Education, Portugal)
2. Fast-food restaurant customer satisfaction in Thailand: A structural equation model path analysis -Ririnda Tangtatswas, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
3. The role of social media sites in trip planning and destination decision-making processes - Matikiti-Manyevere, R. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Kruger, M. (North West University, South Africa)
4. Integration of strategic wellness and sustainable marketing to achieve competitive advantage in the tourism industry: An empirical study in a sample of Iraqi tourism agencies - Hashim Fawzi Alabadi, Yousif Hchaim Sultan & Natalya Ahmed Alkaseer (University of Kufa, Iraq)
5. Tourism, creative industries and exports sustainability: An international comparative study - Kamal K. Jawad Al-Shimari (University of Kerbala, Iraq) & Hasan Kareem Hamzh & Sundus Hameed Alktrani (University of Kufa, Iraq)
6. An analysis of online purchase intentions of Thai hostel accommodations - Kwanchart Wongkhajornpaibul & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
7. An evaluation of the role of the cultural-heritage industry in the economy of South Africa - Nyawo, J.C. & Mashau, P. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
8. Tourism for people with disabilities in Italy: an overview - Migliaccio, G.(University of Sannio, Italy)
9. The impact of the financial structure of tourism companies on the market value added: An empirical study - Hasan Kareem Hamzh, Sundus Hameed Alktrani & Farhan Mohammed Abuthebahak (University of Kufa, Iraq)
10. How service quality, guest trust and guest satisfaction affect a five-star hotel’s reputation in Thailand - Kawee Supanun & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
11. Integrating the value chain and balanced scorecard to evaluate the overall performance of a tourism organization - Hanan Sahbat Abdullah & Israa Ali Ahmed (University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Alaa Jassim Salman (Al–Rafidain University College, Iraq)
12. Hot, tropical and thirsty: An analysis of bottled water consumer satisfaction in Thailand - Dumrong Pratheep Na Thalang, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
13. A Model of Participatory Community-Based Ecotourism and Mangrove Forest Conservation in Ban Hua Thang, Thailand - Patchakul Treephan, Sang-Arun Isaramalai & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
14. The tourism sharing economy and sustainability in developing countries: contribution to SDGs in the hospitality sector - Ngoni Courage Shereni (University of Johannesburg, South Africa/Lupane State University, Zimbabwe)
15. Organisational initiated work-life balance practises to combat burnout: the mediating effect of work locus of control – Employing the meso paradigm across selected South African public and private sector organisations – Grobler, A. & Grobler, S. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
16. Tourism planning and competitiveness in Ecuador - Vega Falcón Vladimir and Navarro Cejas Mercedes (Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Ecuador), Cejas Martínez Magda Francisca (Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador) & Mendoza Velazco Derling José (Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador)
17. A stakeholder’s perspective on holistic heritage tourism- a special reference to the temple city Bhubaneswar, India – Shruti Mohanty., Sitikantha Mishra & Sasmita Mohanty (Siksha o’ Anusandhan: Deemed to be University, India)
18. Alleviating poverty through community-based tourism: Evidence from Batur Natural Hot Spring Water, Bali - I Nengah Subadra (Tourism Institute of Triatma Jaya, Bali-Indonesia)
19. Ethiopian tourism practitioners level of awareness on the Tourism Development Policy: The missing links of Ethiopian tourism sustainability - Yechale Mehiret Geremew (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
20. Effect of employees' abilities on successful ICT Application and Sustainable Development Goals: a descriptive study in hospitality organizations in Iraq -Muna Hayder Abduljabbar Al-Taai (College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, Iraq)
21. Impact of accounting earnings quality on the going-concern in the Iraqi tourism firms - Maher Naji Ali, Akeel Hamza Almagtome & Karrar Saleem Hameedi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
22. The rise of specialty coffee : An investigation into the consumers of specialty coffee in Gauteng - Roland Urwin, R., Kesa, H. & Sao Joao, E. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
23. Management for the transformation of a Historical City into a MICE City supporting the idea of MICE business in AEC - Thirachaya Chaigasem (Director of Center for Asia-Pacific Tourism , Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
24. Thai cuisine restaurant performance in the United Kingdom (UK): A SEM analysis - Panadda Supawan, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
25. The role of integrating hotel sustainability reporting practices into an Accounting Information System to enhance Hotel Financial Performance: Evidence from Iraq - Yasir Mohammed Ali Al-Wattar, Akeel Hamza Almagtome & Karrar Mohammed AL-Shafeay (University of Kufa, Iraq)
26.The impact of tourism marketing in enhancing competitive capabilities - Zana Majed Sadq (Koya University, F.R. Iraq & Lebanese-French University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq), Bestoon Othman (Koya Technical Institute, Iraq & Polytechnic University and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia) & Rebaz Khaleel Khorsheed (Paitaxt Technical Institute, F.R. Iraq)
27. The influence of place identity on destination competitiveness in Machakos County, Kenya -Winfred Musengy’a Barak, Shem Wambugu Maingi & Edgar Otsembo Ndubi (Kenyatta University, Kenya)
28. The effect of location and the promotion mix on visitors' interest: The case of Muara Beting beach and the forest of Mangrove Muara Gembong Bekasi – Hadita & Diaz Adiguna (University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia)
29. Tourism development potentials and challenges in Shonke Village, Ethiopia - Alubel Workie Eyassu & Yirdaw Asfaw Chekole (University of Gondar, Ethiopia) & Girum Teshome Tadesse (Kemissie Culture and Tourism, Ethiopia)
30. Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park: a review - Hoogendoorn, G., Kelso, C. & Sinthumule, I. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
31. Loyalty on Ecotourism analysed using the factors of tourist attraction, safety, and amenities, with satisfaction as an intervening variable - Hary Hermawan, (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia), Anita Wijayanti (Universitas AMIKOM Purwokerto, Indonesia) & Dhimas Setyo Nugroho (Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia)
32. Developing of floating market's logistics and supply chain management in Surat Thani province Thailand - Watanyu Choopak (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
33. A critique of the interface between tourism, sustainable development and sustainable tourism in community- based tourism theory - Strydom, A.J. & Mangope, D. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Henama, U.S. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
34. Measuring the satisfaction of domestic tourists on travel agencies’ marketing mix: a pilot study from Jordan - Khasawneh, N.A. & Mustafa, M.H. (Hashemite University, Jordan)
35. Investigating the relationship between management accounting techniques and sustainability development in Iraqi tourism firms - Faeq Malallah Mahmood Albalaki (Al-Hadba University College, Iraq), Zinah Fathi Mohammed (Mosul University, Iraq), Raid Jasim Majeed (Duhok University, Iraq) & Hassnain Raghib Talab (University of Kufa, Iraq)
36. Thai gem and jewellery industry business performance: Is continued growth dependent on Tourism? - Teerapatch Varasriverachote, Puris Sornsaruht & Prasittisak Sirijarupat (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thailand)
37. Rethinking Tourism in Saudi Arabia: Royal Vision 2030 Perspective - Mohammad Abuhjeeleh (Middle East University, Jordan)
38. The impact of integration of quality costs and targeted cost in achieving a competitive advantage: a perspective from hospitality - Alaa Mohammed Obaid & Khadija Jomaa Muter (AL-Mustansiriyah University, Iraq) & Jenan Abd AL-Abbas Al Dulamy (AL-Furat, AL-Awsat Technical University, Iraq)
39. Echoes of the past: the quality of life impact on visitors to military memorials – Venter, D. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
40. Measuring the satisfaction of domestic tourists on travel agencies’ marketing mix: a pilot study from Jordan – Khasawneh, N.A. & Mustafa, M.H. (Hashemite University, Jordan)
41. The effect of managerial competencies on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Makana Municipality, South Africa - Ncube, M.S. & Chimucheka, T. (University of Fort Hare, South Africa)
42. An analysis of how government support, entrepreneurship, service innovation, and e-readiness affect a Thai SME hotel’s competitive advantage - Kanitta Ounarat, Woranat Sangmanee & Singha Chaveesuk (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang , Thailand)
43. The relationships between marketing mix, brand equity, lifestyle and attitude on a consumer’s private product brand purchasing decision - Khanta, F. & Srinuan, C. (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
44. A human resource information systems and its impact on a hotel’s organisational performance -Husam Hussein Shyaa (University of Kerbala, Iraq)
45. Customers’ expectations and perceptions of service quality dimensions: A study of the hotel industry in selected cities of Tigray Region, Ethiopia – Gebremichael, G.B. & Singh, A.I. (Punjabi University, India)
46. Ethical and responsible tourism: a tool for promoting values and social justice. Two case studies of Sicily, Italy – Picciotto, L. (University of Palermo, Italy)
47. The critical nature of road logistics industry process capability’s role in sustainable tourism development - Preechaphol Pongpanit & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
48. Size developments of receptive structures in Campania during the period 2008-2017 - Pavone, P. (University of Sannio, Italy)
49. From game camps to landscape conservation: The evolution and development of the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa - Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
50. Ethical leadership in a morally driven hospitality organisational culture –Nicolaides. A. (University of South Africa)
51. Development of Religious Tourism in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia - Syamsuri Ali & Laila Maharani (Raden Intan State Islamic University, Indonesia) & Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia)
52. Mining and Ecotourism: Mining and Environmental Justice Community Network of South Africa and Others v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others: An Analysis – Muswaka,L. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
53. The evolution of accommodation services in a coastal resort town: Hermanus, South Africa- Rogerson, J.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
54. Factors influencing choice of souvenirs by international tourists - Kugbonu Mawufemor (Ho Technical University, Ghana), Gabriel Eshun (KNUST, Ghana & University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Tembi M. Tichaawa (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
55. Impact of strategic thinking in improving the administrative and financial operations in the tourism sector - Zaid Abdulzahra Jaffar & Anaam Abdulzahra Meteab (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Liqaa Mutar Atti Alnorawi (Basra Management Technical College, Iraq)
56. The influence of physical environment factors of multi-cuisine restaurants on overall service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty - Raghavendra, G., Jyothi Mallya & Anubhab Mukherjee (WGSHA, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India)
57. The business strategy of “Laksa” culinary tourism in Tangerang, Indonesia - M. Fadhli Nursal., Adi Wibowo Noor Fikri., Istianingsih., Wastam Wahyu Hidayat., Eri Bukhari & Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia)
58. African village-based tourism in the North West Province, South Africa - Tseane-Gumbi, L., Manwa, H. & Dlamini-Boemah, D. (North-West University, South Africa)
59. The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing performance: An analytical study of a sample of five star hotels in Jordan - Khaled Atallah Al-Tarawneh (Petra University, Jordan)
60. Mobile Apps and Travel Apps on the tourism journey - Magano, J. (ISCET – Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e Turismo, Portugal) & Nascimento Cunha, M.Z. (ISMAI – Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal)
61. Research on the determinants that form Hoi An world heritage tourism destination, Vietnam - Le Duc Toan & Phan Thanh Hai (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
62. Airport Wi-Fi Service Delivery and Monetisation Strategies – an International Perspective – Louw, C. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
63. The supply chain management of agricultural products, aromatic coconut and agro-tourism in Thailand - Sudarat Pimonratanakan (Suansunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
64. The mediation effect of strategic foresight between leadership behavior and tourism marketing strategy - Intisar Abbas Hammadi Al-Dulaimi (Uruk University, Iraq), Liqaa Mutar Atti Alnorawi (Basra Management Technical College, Iraq) & Zaid Abdulzahra Jaffar (University of Kufa, Iraq)
65. Applying theory of planned behavior in researching tourists’ behavior: The case of Hoi An World Cultural Heritage site, Vietnam - Le Duc Toan, Nguyen Huu Phu, Phan Thanh Hai, Ho Thi Phi Yen & Pham Xuan Son (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
66. Tourism media perception affecting people’s travel behaviour and planning - Ekgnarong Vorasiha (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
67. Comparative assessment of residents' behavior towards tourism in nature reserves - Mohammad B. Al-Badarneh, Khalid M.A. Magablih & Omar A. Alananzeh (Yarmouk University, Jordan) & Mukhles M. Al-Ababneh (Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan)
68. Assessing tourism as a catalyst for rural development and community awareness: A case study of Coffee Bay, Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape Province – Vallabh, D. & Woyikani, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa), Apleni, L (University of Zululand)
69. Developing a service quality questionnaire for budget category hotels – Saravanan, A. (Government Arts College, Tamil Nadu, India)
70. A dining experience typology of Middle of the Pyramid (MOP) consumers in Gauteng - Kleinhans, E. H., Van Heerden, C.H. & Kleynhans, I.C. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
71. Frankenstein and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Ethics and Human Rights Considerations – Mpofu, R. & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa)
72. Challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry in Amhara Regional State: The World Heritage sites in focus - Tewodros Abuhay, Derb Abiew & Tewodros Leulseged (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
73. Climate change effects on natural resources availability and tourism sustainability in Maasai Mara National Game Reserve, Kenya - Laban Kipkemoi Rotich, Richard Ogola Belle Makopondo & Davis Wekesa Barasa (The Technical University of Kenya, Kenya) & Nehemia Kiprop Kiprutto (Moi University, Kenya)
74.Enhancing Local Economic Development through tourism: Perspectives from a cohort of Got Ngetta rock climbers in Mid-North Uganda – Mubangizi, B.C. (University of KwaZulu – Natal, South Africa) & Mwesigwa, D. (Lira University, Uganda & University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
75. Effects of ecological process on indigenous pottery as a cultural tourism product: A case of Zulu pottery -Folasayo Enoch Olalere (University of Zululand, South Africa)
76. Suitability of conventional management accounting practices to small and medium enterprises operating in the hotel sector of the Cape Metropole – Ntshonga, O. & Kamala, P.N. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
77. An investigative study of customers’ experiences on customized contact services in Oporto hotels- Maria Nascimento Cunha (ISMAI -Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal)
78.Constraints of young prospective tourism entrepreneurs in the semi-rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal - Mbele, K.G. & Nyide, C.J. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
79. The Development Strategy of World Heritage Tourism in Indonesia - Hadi Sasana & Herbasuki Nurcahyanto (Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia) & Ivo Novitaningtyas (Universitas Tidar, Indonesia)
80. Sustainability challenges of health tourism non-profit - Organisations -Choto, P., Chux Gervase Iwu, & Tengeh, R.K. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
81. Visitors motivations and loyalty towards the Umtiza arts festival - Acha-Anyi Paul Nkemngu & Macozoma Sibusiso Sibonisiwe (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Acha-Anyi Asongu (University of South Africa)
82. Studying the effect of a sharing economy on the Tourism Industry: Developing the local economy for the Nubian Community: An empirical study using the Gharb Soheil Village - Rania Magdy Orabi (The High Institute of Tourism & Hotels In Alexandria - King Marriott Academy, Egypt)
83. Determining critical success factors of construction projects in the hospitality industry: A conceptual framework - Tshehla, M.F. (University of South Africa)
84. Constructed gender discrimination: Reflections on a long and winding road – Steyn, R. (University of South Africa)
85. Local communities’ perceptions on the role of tourism in protected areas – Lekaota, L. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa) & Khashane, R.S. (University of Venda, South Africa)
86. Tourism-led growth hypothesis: case study of some North African countries - Sissani Midoun (University Ibn- Khaldoun, Algeria) & Frioua Nardjess (University Lounissi Ali, Algeria)
87. Factors affecting the selection of domestic hotels with 3/4 star ratings: The case of Da Nang City, Vietnam- Le Anh Tuan (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
88. How website quality, e-service quality, e-satisfaction, and social value affect poshtel e-loyalty in Thailand - Chatchai Phromlert., Samart Deebhijarn & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
89. Inventorying regionally relevant geomorphosites with best tourism potential in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa – Chingombe, W. (University of Mpumalanga, South Africa)
90. Understanding the intention of customer experience in the age of omni-channel shopping and its impact on shopping : Online shopping tendencies - Tim Chen (Ton Tuc Dhang University, Vietnam), Dogrua Makara (Azam Quaid University, Pakistan) Courtne Sean (Solusi University, Zimbabwe) & Suessc McGinleya and Johnycy Cheng (Al-Hikmah University, Nigeria)
91. Students’ perspectives on why they choose to study hospitality management: A South African case study - Vikelwa Judith Nomnga & Nombeko Felicity Dwesini (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa)
Special issue- Central University of Technology, South Africa
Title: Promoting Entrepreneurship Development - Views from the Global South
Guest Editor in Chief : Prof. Patient Rambe - Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
Editorial Note - click to view
1.The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of immigrant-owned SMMEs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa - Chimucheka, T. & Chinyamurindi W.T. (University of Fort Hare, South Africa) & Dodd, N. (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
2. Does firm size matter in innovation in small accommodation businesses in developing economies? – Chipunza, L.T. (Post - Doctoral Researcher, Central University of Technology, South Africa)
3. Fostering creativity and innovation though leadership and affective commitment: The moderated mediation analysis – Khaola, P. (National University of Lesotho)
4. Effects of emotions on entrepreneurial attitudes, self-efficacy and intentions - Musiiwa, D. & Rambe, P. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Khaola, P. (National University of Lesotho, Lesotho)
5. A theoretical analysis on the impact of relationship marketing practices on customer retention: A case of transformed small grocery retail shops in Mangaung Municipality area in South Africa -Emmanuel Ikechukwu Iwuchukwu , Edmund Owusu Amoakoh & Crispen Chipunza (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
6. Developing Enterprising Cities in South Africa – Das, D. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
7. The effects of organizational structure and management on the Olympic Movement in South East Asian Countries - Suriyan Somphong (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
8. Olympism and the values of sport: De Coubertin and the Thailand Olympic Academy - Suriyan Somphong (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
9. A proposed program to promote the role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) for driving Sustainable Performance Audits and investigating their impact on Tourism in Iraq - Sabreen Kareem Balasem (Wasit University, Iraq) & Karima Ali Aljawhar (Mustansiriya University, Iraq)
10. Impact of investment decisions on shared value: An analysis of Iraqi tourism companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2017 - Haidar Hamoudi Ali Al Zubaidi, Salam Abdul Rahman Abdul Abbas Al-Ibrahimi & Hayder jawad Kadhim Murshedi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
11. Motivation and work behavior in tourism-related businesses located on the Thai-Malaysian border during Thailand’s Reform Period - Aree Naipinit & Thirachaya Chaigasem (Khon Kaen University, Thailand) & Patipat Tunming (Sripatum University, Thailand)
12. The integration time-driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) and events approach: Their role in decision-making and their effect on tourism - Mohanad Abdul Rahman & Miaad Hameed Ali (University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Ruaa Hussein Abdual Hussein (Madenat Alelem University College, Iraq)
13. The development strategy of Betawi Eco-Culinary Tourism as a potential business in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia - Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Indonesia)
14. Taking on the challenge: small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) and socioeconomic development in South Africa - Tendai Makwara (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
15. An exploratory survey on satisfaction levels amongst tourists in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve - Jauro, T.I. & Rampedi, I.T. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Ayodeji Peter Ifegbesan (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria)
16. Value relevance of sustainability reporting under an accounting information system: Evidence from the tourism industry - Maithm Khaghaany, Sarah Kbelah & Akeel Almagtome (University of Kufa, Iraq)
17. Adoption of conventional management accounting practices by small and medium enterprises operating in the hotel sector of the Cape Metropole - Ntshonga, O. & Kamala, P.N. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
18. The importance community participation in tourism development to ensure sustainable rural development – Setokoe, T.J. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
19. The problematic implementation of community-based ecotourism in Indonesia: A case study in ecotourism of Gili Labak-East Java - Abdulkadir Rahardjanto, H. Husamah, Diani Fatmawati, Fuad Jaya Miharja & Dwi Setyawan (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia)
20. Zimbabwe tourism destination brand personality: Tourists’ voices on the ground - Chigora, F. (University of KwaZulu-Natal/Catholic University of Zimbabwe), Ndlovu, J. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Muzurura, J. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe)
VOLUME 8(4) 2019
1. Is it male or female? Exploring brand association and personification of a textile-based tourism destination, Usep Suhud, Ernita Maulida & Tarma (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia)
2. “Actions speak louder than words”: Comparing attendees’ green behaviour at home with their inclination to support green practices at arts festivals – Viviers, P., Botha, K. & Marumo, E. (TREES (Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society, North-West University, South Africa)
3. Push-pull factors and behaviors of tourists to Tongchom Market, Mae La Noi District, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand - Tommanee Sooksai (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
4. E-Administrative practices for financial technology : A guide to improving strategic performance for tourism companies - Sajjad Mohemmed Atiyah (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Khalidiya Mostafa Atta Abd & Sami Ahmed Abbas (Iraqi University, Iraq)
5. Features of regional tourism and the development of its spiritual and historical aspects - Kuralbayev Almas, Kenzhaliyev Altynbek, Kulbayeva Meruert & Shinet Gulzada (Ahmet Yasawi University, Kazakhstan)
6. Analysis of Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning in the Hospitality Sector: The Case of Paputo Beach Café - Muhammad Ichwan Musa, M. Ikhwan Maulana Haeruddin, Muhammad Ilham Wardana Haeruddin & Muh. Iqbal Burhan (Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia)
7. Infusion of indigenous knowledge into the teaching of ecotourism entrepreneurship – Hlengwa, D.C. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
8. Human capital development (HCD) risks in the African hospitality industry – Mara, C., Govender, C. & Makka, A. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
9. Measuring website effectiveness in communicating tourism destinations in Jakarta, Indonesia - Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia) & Budi Satria (Indraprasta PGRI University, Jakarta-Indonesia)
10. An investigation in to the cascading effects on critical infrastructure by speeded up robust features in detection for landslides - Chen, T. (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam), Tasawar, Hayat (Quaid I Azam University, Pakistan), Mourad Monsour, (National University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe), Emmanuel Anizoba Basorun (University of Nigeria, Nsukka) & John CY Chen (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
11. Comprehensive Participatory Approach as a Mechanism for Community Participation in Ecotourism - Gumede, T.K. & Nzama, A.T.(University of Zululand, South Africa)
12. Tourist experience, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions of rural tourism destinations in the Eastern Cape, South Africa - Amoah, F. & Amoah, L.N.A. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
13.Partnerships and networks in Zimbabwe’s cultural tourism arena: A host community perspective- Makacha, C. (Midlands University State, Zimbabwe), Njovo, M.(Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Mada, A. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe)
14. International charter related to historical and cultural tourism and tourists’ demands on historical tourist attraction management within Khao Phra Viharn National Park Area, Sisaket, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigasem, Kittibodee Yaipool & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
15. A model for environmentally-friendly food tourism in Ban Koh Klang, Khlong Prasong Sub-District, Mueang District, Krabi, Thailand- Piyapak Bhumibhamorn & Parichart Visuthismajarn, (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
16. Managing disaster and crisis in tourism: A critique of research and a fresh agenda - Gani, A. & Singh, R. (Central University of Kashmir, India)
17. The influence of destination image components on tourist satisfaction and loyalty: A case study in Con Dao Island, Vietnam - Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
18. Analysing the Impact of BREXIT on Artists Careers within the United Kingdom by Examining the Market for 'Fine Art' – Baur, P.W. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
19. A Critical Challenge for the Extractive Industry – Tourism as a New Frontier for Sustainability -Ogechi Okoro (Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand
20. A Systematic Review of Sustainable Wine Tourism Research in Asia 2000-2018 - Amarando, M., Assenov, I. & Visuthismajarn, P. (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
21. An assessment of ecotourism potential for Community Based Ecotourism Development: The case of Alemsaga Priority State Forest, South Gondar, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia) & Mulugeta Damtie (Debark University, Ethiopia), Alubel Workie (University of Gondar) , Engdu Gebrewold Weldesenbet (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
22. The relationship between socio-cultural impacts of a township tour and the overall life satisfaction of residents in townships in the Western Cape, South Africa – Potgieter, A., Berman, G.K. & Verity, J.M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
23. Towards enhancing Tour Guide professionalism in Tanzania through a Tour Guide Portal - Shidende, D.M. & Kaijage, S.F. (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology [NM-AIST], Tanzania) & Möbs, S. (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University [DHBW] Germany)
24. Determining the Market for Marine Wildlife Tourism in South Africa - Geldenhuys, L. (Boston City Campus and Business College, Stellenbosch- Affiliated with North-West University, South Africa) & van der Merwe, P. & Saayman, M.[RIP] (North-West University, South Africa)
25. Skills gaps and training needs in the tourism sector in Malawi - Bello, F. (Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia)., Kamanga, G. (Mzuzu University, Malawi) & Jamu, E.S. (University of Malawi, Malawi)
26. Sustainability practices of Transkei guesthouses –Mbenenge, M.F. & Thomas, P. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
27. Destination Enhancers Influencing Tourism Demand - Oosthuizen, N. (Rhodes University, South Africa) & Ferreira, D. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
28. Testing the role of country and destination image effect on satisfaction and revisit intention among Western travellers - Nimit Soonsan (Phuket Rajabhat University, Thailand - PhD Candidate Prince of Songkla University, Thailand) & Sasiwemon Sukahbot (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
29. A local cuisine tourism approach to authenticity and a sense of place for Postmodern gastronomy in I-SAN Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigasem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
30. Sustainable destination image recovery for enhancing the performance of the tourism sector in Zimbabwe- Kanokanga Phillip F., Tukuta, M., Chikuta, O. & Ndoda G. R. (Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe)
31. Service Quality of the Gauteng Hotel Industry Supply Chain - Mosana, L.E.M., Roberson, J.R. & Nesamvuni, A.E. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
32. Expectations of role-players in the hospitality industry regarding entry-level employment for Grade 12 learners - Van der Merwe, L., Kleynhans, I.C. & Roberson, J.R. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
33. A Middle Income Economy by 2030: A Zimbabwe Tourism Destination Perspective Based on a GDP Forecast using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach - Chigora, F. (Research Associate University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), Nyoni Thabani (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
34. Branding culture: The missing link between top level managers and general employees in Zimbabwe’s small to medium tourism enterprises - Chigora, F. (Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
35. Management of Historical Tourism in Songkhla Province, Thailand - Somjit Intamano & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
36. Profile characteristics of marine tourists - Jonas, A.G., Radder, L. & van Eyk, M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
37. Challenges faced by Human Resource Management in Tourism and Hospitality Management Education in Iraq - Husam Hussein Shyaa (University of Kerbala, Iraq)
38. Enhancing Tourism graduate employability with English for Occupational Purposes: South African academic and industry perspectives - Rautenbach, E. & Mann, C.C. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
39. Developing tourism through sports events to assist in the rejuvenation of the strategic position of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) - Abujamous, I.M., Alsarayreh, M.N. & Harazneh, A.A. (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan) & Jawabreh, O.A. (The University of Jordan) & Jahmani, A. (Al Falah University – Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
40. Economic incentives and social influences to separate used dry batteries at source: A lesson learned from the tourist resort of Hat-Yai, Songkhla Province, Thailand - Montee Pruekparichart, Mattanawadee Hattayanon & Sang-Arun Isaramalai (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand) & Kuaanan Techato (Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management (HSM) Bangkok, Thailand)
41. Ecotourism as a mechanism for local economic development: the case of communities adjacent to the Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Gumede, T.K. & Nzama, A.T. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
42. Factors affecting economic growth enablers of SMME’s: a case of tourism-attraction in Durban, South Africa – Ngwenya, T.C.S. & Zondi, W.B. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
43. Exploring the potential and challenges: guesthouse based tourism and hospitality in Maun, Botswana - Moswete, N. & Mpotokwane, M.A. (University of Botswana) & Nkape, K. & Maera, K. (Botswana Wildlife Training Institute, Botswana)
44. Supply chain management factors affecting tourists' satisfaction towards Thung Bua Daeng Floating Market, Thailand - Anchalee Hiranphaet (Suansunandha Rajbbhat University, Thailand)
45. The role of accounting information in reducing the funding constraints of small and medium enterprises in Iraq - Hakeem Hammood Flayyih & Yassir Nori Mohammed(University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Hassnain Raghib Talab (University of Kufa, Iraq)
46. Commoditising indigenous crafts to enhance tourism experience: A case study on Mambong Pottery, Malaysia - Olalere, F. E. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
47. Combatting criminality at leisure, play and recreational parks in South Africa - Kola O. Odeku, K.O. & Sambo S. R. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
48. Shaping the organizational architecture for SME survival: A case of nascent small restaurants in Durban - Zwane, M. & Kanyangale, M. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Ndoro, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
49. Management Capacity within Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in the Eastern Cape Province – Mxunyelwa, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Lloyd, H. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
50. Special investigations in cases of encroachment on natural tourism resources and the environment in the forests and public areas of Southern Thailand - Witchaphan Chantraporn, Manop Promchana & Kua-anan Techato (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
51. Uncovering factors influencing consumers’ interest for craft beer: A study on microbreweries in Bangalore, India - Patwardhan, V., Dabral, P. & Mallya, J. (Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, India)
52. Tourism potential at Florisbad: an important archaeozoological site at Free State Province, South Africa – Rabumbulu, M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
53. Understanding Bloom’s taxonomy for improved student learning in tourism and hospitality at a university of technology in South Africa - Oosthuizen, D., Esterhuyse, M. & Cilliers, C.D. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
54. The relationships between the credibility of badminton brand spokespersons, brand image, and attitudes towards consumer purchase intention - Chih-Wei Lin, Su-Shiang Lee, Hua-Yi Lin, Zi Xin Lim , Yu-Chih Cheng & Shu-Chin Huang (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
55. Effect of a waitresses’s head scarf (Hijab) on tipping behavior in restaurants – Shatnawi, H.S. (Yarmouk University Irbid – Jordan)
56. Better resource management: A qualitative investigation of Environmental Management Accounting practices used by the South African hotel sector - Nyide, C.J. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
57. The role of the auditor in the reliability of the future financial information and the effect on tourism: an empirical study of the Iraqi environment according to ISA 810 - Abass, Z.K. & Yaqoob. I.I.(Mustansiriyah University, Iraq)
58. The Impact of IFRS 15 on Earnings Quality in businesses such as hotels: Critical Evidence from the Iraqi Environment - Anmar Muhsein Hameed (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Inspector General’s Office, Iraq) & Bushra Fadhil Khudhair Al-taie & Bushra Najem. Aubdullah Al-Mashhadani (University of Baghdad, Iraq)
59. The impact of implementing electronic governance on the quality of accounting information in businesses – An applied study -Yaser Saad Zenad, Ahmed Sami Hasaballah & Jawad Kadhim Shlaka (Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Baghdad, Iraq)
60. The role of fundamental analysis in determining the market value of hospitality, tourism and company shares - Ahmed Sami Hasaballah, Yaser Saad Zenad and Jawad Kadhim Shlaka (Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research Baghdad, Iraq)
61. The impact of the devaluation of the Turkish Lira on investment and trade and its impact on tourism - Salam Abdul Rahman Abdul Abbas Al-Ibrahimi, Hayder Jawad Kadhim Murshedi & Haidar Hamoudi Al Zubaidi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
62. Black Economic Empowerment and South African Tourism: The Early Pioneers - Sixaba, Z. & Rogerson, C.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
63. Contributions of purpose-built attractions to tourism promotion in Nigeria: The role of Magicland Amusement park, Abuja – Ezenagu Ngozi & Olabinjo MuhammedAdewale (Afe Babalola University, Nigeria) & Diminyi Christopher A (University of Calabar, Nigeria)
64. Constructing an International Marathon Participants’ Behavioral Model in Taiwan - Lee, S. -S., Tseng, Y. -C., Lin, Y.-S., Su, Y. -C., Sia, W. Y. & Lin, C. -W. (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
65. Employing marketing information systems for the success of small and medium enterprises: A field study of some Tourism and Travel companies in Baghdad - Akram Salim Hasan Al-Janabi (University of Dijlah, Iraq) & Hussam Ali Mhaibes (University of Baghdad, Iraq)
66. An overview of accessible Tourism information at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta - Lestari, N.S., Wiastuti, R.D. & Triana, I. (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
67. Assessing the impact of tourism related development on the natural habitant using a Geographical Information System - Mugwena, T. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
68. Study of potential ecotourism resources: Ban Hua Thang, Muang District, Satun Province, Thailand Patchakul Treephan, Sang-Arun Isaramalai & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
69. Perceptions of local residents and authorities on human–wildlife coexistence in Zimbabwe -Mudimba, T. & Tichaawa, T.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
70. Towards a sustainable coastal tourism development in Ghana - Eshun, G. & Tichaawa, T.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Appiah, D.O. (KNUST, Ghana)
71. The effect of strategic re-engineering and Six Sigma techniques on strategic competitiveness in the tourism industry - Anaam Abdulzahra Meteab & Hashim Fawzi Dabbas (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Khalidiya Mostafa Atta Abd (Iraqi University, Iraq)
72. Heritage tourism of archaeological sites in Jordan: Archaeological site employees’ perspectives - Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh (Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan)
73. Competitive advantage of a social enterprise restaurant: A case study of ‘Cabbages & Condoms’ Restaurant, Thailand - Sor Sirichai Nakudom & Rungrawee Jitpakdee (Walailak University, Thailand)
74. Tourists’ perceptions of a destination brand image: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Ezeuduji, I.O. & Mhlongo, P.S. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
75. Tourists’ profile and perceptions of a destination brand essence: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa -Ezeuduji, I.O. & Mlambo, S.S.(University of Zululand, South Africa)
76. Are they really happy? Insights into the Medical Tourists’ Satisfaction in Delhi Hospitals - Kumar, N. & Sharma, S (Amity University, India)
77. Understanding Japanese consumer behaviour and cultural relevance of gift giving - Suarez, L. (Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates), Hugo, N. (Eastern Illinois University, USA) & Paris, C.M. ( Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates/University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
VOLUME 8(3) 2019
1.Destination Marketing for Expatriates: A Case Study in Northern Cyprus - Mohammad Abuhjeeleh & Ibrahim Harazneh (Middle East University, Jordan), Mohamed Dawood Shamout (The American University in Emirates, United Arab Emirates) & Mohammad Tahseen Sleimi (Palestine Technical University, Palestine)
2. Heritage Tourism as a Strategy for the Local Economic Development in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Gumede, T.K. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
3. Visitor satisfaction at a local festival: An analysis of the Strawberry festival in George, South Africa – Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
4. Determining the roles of tourist guides which directly affect secondary teachers’ satisfaction: A case of Maropeng and the Sterkfontein caves, South Africa - Makopo, B.M., Geldenhuys, S. & Sime, L. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
5. Benefits of sustainable rural tourism: a case of Nqileni village, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa- Setokoe, T.J. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
6. The Relationship between Perceived Supervisor Support and the Aspects of Organizational Silence- Ayhan Karakas (Bartin University, Turkey)
7. Factors inhibiting large enterprises from establishing sustainable linkages with black-owned tourism SMMEs in South Africa - Harilal, V. & Nyikana, S. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
8. Quality of service delivered by alcoholic beverage suppliers to customers in the South African hospitality industry – Gouws, E. & Motala, T. (University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa)
9.The socio-cultural diversity of hotel employees and their perception of the management styles in hotels of Gauteng province, South Africa- Annan, C.Y., Sibanyoni, J.J. & Tabit, F.T. (University of South Africa)
10. A skill- gap study: an analytical approach with a special focus on tourism education and the tourism industry in Odisha - Mohanty, S. (Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, India) & Mohanty, A. (Institute of Management & Information Science -Odisha, India)
11. Community opinion towards a village homestay program in Soe, a small nomadic community in the North-West of Bhutan -Tenzin, K., Mee-Udon, F. & Rudklaw Prampesit (Naresuan University, Thailand)
12. Just how much do the perceptions of crime and safety influence tourists’ travelling to emerging countries? – Potgieter, A. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
13. Comparative Analysis of Tourism Determination in 36 Countries: A Panel Approach - Molepo, N.S., Belete, A. & Hlongwane, J.J. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
14. The satisfaction of long-stay senior tourists on tourism management in Cha-Am district, Petchaburi and Hua-Hin district, Prachuap Khiri Khan - Supattra Pranee & Tanapol Kortana (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand), Panvipa Piyamputra (Ministry of Interior Thailand) & Monchai Rungthongpongampai (Premium Energy Corporation Co., Ltd., Thailand)
15. Proposing a model on the recognition of indigenous food in tourism attraction and beyond - Mnguni, E.M. & Giampiccoli, A. (Durban University of Technology , South Africa)
16. E-Marketing Adoption: An Overview from Ethiopian Tourism Businesses- Assegid Ayele Misganaw (Arba Minch University, Ethiopia - PhD fellow - Punjabi University, India) & Apar Singh (Punjabi University, India)
17. Examining governance and growth of the hotel sector in Malawi: An environmental metabolic rift perspective - Khonje, L.Z. (Mzuzu University, Malawi) & Leonard, L. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
18. Promoting border areas for developmental ecotourism: The case study of Al-Adaseya, Jordan - Fakhrieh Darabseh & Khaled Hailat (Yarmouk University, Jordan), Khaldoun Kanaan (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan) & Fawziya Hussein (Pella Archaeological Site, Jordan)
19. The Impact of the Print Media on Building a Destination Brand Equity in Zimbabwe - Chigora, F. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Ndlovu, J. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
20. Demographics and consumer behaviour of visitors to the Wegry/Drive Out Bull Run motorsport event -Mpotaringa, M.C. & Hattingh, J.L. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
21. Apprehending the tour operators’ destination brand knowledge- Dahiya, K.S. (Independent Researcher, India) & Batra, D.K. (International Management Institute [IMI] Delhi, India)
22. Montenegro as a high quality tourism destination- Trends and Perspectives - Anđela Jakšić- Stojanović & Marija Janković (University Mediterranean, Montenegro) & Neven Šerić (University of Split, Croatia)
23. Current perceptions and the need for a strategic plan for the whale watching industry in Mirissa, Sri Lanka - T.G. Supun Lahiru Prakash & N.S. Amarasinghe (University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka) & Sevvandi Jayakody (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
24. An Assessment of Coastal Tourism Amenities for the South Coast region, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
25. Guest house supervisors’ meaning cognition and its influence on job satisfaction in the context of Mombasa County, Kenya - Kivuva, A.K. (Kenyatta University, Kenya), Pepela, A.W. (Pwani University, Kenya) & Nzioka, A.M. (Machakos University, Kenya)
26. Marketing communication approaches and independent restaurant success and failure in an urban restaurant industry in the Eastern Mediterranean - Özkan Aydinel, O. & Esenyel, I. (Girne American University, North Cyprus)
27. The role of entrepreneurial policies in developing rural tourism entrepreneurship in South Africa - Lebambo, M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
28. The reticent effect of ICT on tourism: A case study of Zimbabwe - Tsokota, T. (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe& Nelson Mandela University, South Africa) & von Solms, R. & van Greunen, D. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
29. Customer Service Dimensions in State and Private Game Reserves in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa -Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
30. Socio-economic factors hindering domestic tourism consumption in Kenya: the case of Nakuru, Mombasa and Nairobi - Mongare Omare (Kisii University, Kenya) & Ondabu Kiage, John Akama & Timothy Sulo (Moi University, Kenya)
31. Gender pay discrimination in the hospitality industry in South Africa – Vettori, S & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa, RSA)
32. The effect of crime on tourists’ travel decisions to Malawi – Njoloma, E. & Kamanga, G. (Mzuzu University, Malawi)
33. Social big data analysis of Five Star hotels: A case study of hotel guest experience and satisfaction in Marrakech - El haouta Imane & Idelhadj Abdelouahab (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco)
34. Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) promoting Local Economic Development in Hogsback, Eastern Cape, South Africa - Mxunyelwa, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Henama, U.S. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
35. Sustainable wine tourism and vineyards’ environmental consciousness in Thailand - Mitchell Amarando, Ilian Assenov & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
36. Organisational citizenship and the morning after - A case of an acquisition of a local hotel chain by a global brand – Fisher, W. & Pooe, R.I.D.(University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
37. South Africa and USA trade: What are the scenarios beyond the ‘Africa Growth and Opportunity Act’ (AGOA) for South Africa’s wine exports and wine tourism sector? – Mbatha, C.N. (University of South Africa, RSA)
38. Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the hospitality industry: A literature Review – Dwesini, N.F. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa)
39. Analysing the use of integrated marketing communication at the View Boutique Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa - Mebuge, C.O. & Mudzanani, T. (University of South Africa, RSA)
40. The Role of the tourist mix in activating Christian Religious Tourism in Madaba Governorate, Jordan - Issam Mohammad Almakhadmah (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
41. The role of Religious Tourism for sustainable tourism development: the case of Adyame Yordanos Wonkshet Monastery, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia)
42.Influence of service quality on brand image and repeat patronage in the Hospitality Industry: A content analysis - Ramjit Singh & Abid Suhail Nika (Central University of Kashmir, India)
43. Intangible Cultural Heritage as Tourism Product: The Malaysia Experience - Folasayo Enoch Olalere (University of Zululand, South Africa)
44. Factors Impact on Tourists Destination Loyalty: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City - Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam) & Hai Ho Nguyen (PhD Student) - (Hong Bang International University, Vietnam)
45. Olympism, the lost legacy in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
46. The marketing factors influencing consumer decisions to use the services of sports and exercise centers in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
47. Guest dynamics and perceptions towards environmentally-friendly practices in hotels in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – Sucheran, R. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) & Moodley, V. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
48. Poor basic water supply facilities and infrastructure in South Africa: A hospitality sector perspective - Sambo Sifiso Rudolf and Kola O. Odeku (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
49. Proactive personality in the workplace and its relevance in South Africa - Steyn, R. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
50. The Influence of Satisfaction on Job Outcomes among Foreign and local Academic Staff at a Selected International University - Sibanda, M.B. (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Kabungaidze, T. (Rhodes University, South Africa), Ndoro, T. & Chuchu, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
51. Travel and the Chinese outbound tourism market: Governance and Ethical considerations- Keeve, K. (SABOT -Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) South Africa) & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa)
52. Foreign Tourists' Perceptions of Toraja as a Cultural Site, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Hasyim, M., Andi Muhammad Akhmar, Prasuri Kuswarini & Wahyuddin, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
53. Acceptance of Information Technology affecting the convenience of Agritourism Services in Chumphon Province, Thailand - Sudarat Pimonratanakan (Suansunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
54. Stakeholders Analysis on Tourism Collaborative Governance in Tanjung Lesung Tourism, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia - Bambang Pujiyono, Kismartini, Teguh Yuwono, Ida Hayu Dwimawanti (Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia)
55. Do socio-demographic characteristics influence destination attractiveness perceptions after political turmoil: the case of Zimbabwe? Erisher Woyo (International University of Management, Namibia), Slabbert, E. & Saayman, M, (RIP), (TREES, North-West University, South Africa)
56. Regulated or Unregulated Trade of Tourist Guides? - Fodranová, I. (University of Economics, Slovak Republic)
57. The draft national tourism strategy in the context of destination image recovery in Zimbabwe - Kanokanga P. F., Tukuta, M., Chikuta, O. & Ndoda G. R. (Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe)
58. Determining tourism graduate employability, knowledge, skills, and competencies in a VUCA world: Constructing a tourism employability model - Wakelin-Theron, N., Ukpere, Wilfred, I. & Spowart, J. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
59. The Tourism Impact of Ebola in Africa: Lessons on Crisis Management - Maphanga, P.M. & Unathi Sonwabile Henama (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
60. Exploring the [un]likelihood of successful integration of skilled and unskilled immigrants into the hospitality industry – Iwu, C.G., Bayari, L.S.O. & Jaiyeola, A. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
61. Tourist Trails in Peripheral City Areas - de Jesús Toro Ríos, H. (University of Medellín, Colombia)
62. The Pongola Game Reserve Revisited: The search for an early South African protected area - Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
63. Reflections on Major Challenges facing Tourism Sector in South Africa -Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
64. The Relationship between Corporate Strategy, Strategic Leadership and Sustainable Organisational Performance: Proposing a Conceptual Framework for the South African Aviation Industry - Mukhezakule, M. & Tefera, O. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
65. An understanding of the visitor experience at the Egyptian and Te Papa Museums: The Other Roles of Traditional and Modern Museums - Ahmed Abdel Fattah (Tourism College, Institute for Tourism Studies Macao, China)
66. Hotel standardization and classification system in Kenya: A quality assurance approach - Omondi Jack Fredrick (Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi. Standards and Quality Assurance Department Tourism Regulatory Authority, Kenya)
67. Challenges and solutions to the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in India-Yogesh Hole (Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq), Khedkar, E.B. (D. Y. Patil School of Management, India) & Snehal Pawar (Cihan College School, Iraq)
68. The significance of pilgrimage tourism to sustainable development with special reference to the Indian context - Yogesh Hole (Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq), Khedkar, E.B. (D. Y. Patil School of Management, India) & Snehal Pawar (Cihan College School, Iraq)
69. Identifying key success factors for marketing tourism establishments: A case study of four regions in Lesotho – Burger, S.E., Lekaota, L. & Nqosa, N.E. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
70. Influence of employee Intrinsic Motivations on career sustainability in the Travel Agency and Tour Operator companies in Mombasa County, Kenya - Kipkosgei, B. & Munyiri, E.K. (Kenyatta University, Kenya) & Nzioka, A.M. (Machakos University, Kenya)
VOLUME 8(2) 2019
1.An Analysis of Destination Attributes to Enhance Tourism Competitiveness in Bangladesh -Md. Kaium Hossain (United International University, Bangladesh) & Saiful Islam (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2.The Evaluation of Complaint Handling Processes in Five Star Hotels and its Reflection on Customers' Satisfaction - Sima Ghaleb Magatef & Raed Ahmad Momani (University of Petra, Jordan) & Ghaiath Altrjman (Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan)
3. Township tourism as an agent for the socio-economic well-being of residents - Lovisa Sisco Ndapanda Auala (Nelson Mandela University), van Zyl, S.R & Ferreira, I.W. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
4. The Management of Tourism Crises in Jordan: Amman Hotels' Bombing Case Study – Jawabreh, O.A.A (The University of Jordan, Jordan)
5. The Influence of ‘Adventure Tourism Activities’ in promoting tourism business in mountain stations - S. Rabiyathul Basariya & Ramyar Rzgar Ahmed (Lebanese French University, Iraqi Kurdistan)
6. Branding of protected areas and National Parks: A case study of Montenegro - Jankovic, M., Ibrahimi, A., Stojanovic, A.J. & Vukilić, B. (University Mediterranean, Montenegro) & Seric, N. (University of Split, Croatia)
7. Modelling and forecasting Zimbabwe’s immigrants using SARIMA models - Makoni, T., Murwendo, T.D., Mawonike, R. & Chipumuro, M. (Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe)
8. Perceptions of employers on the employability of hospitality graduates in Gauteng Province, South Africa – Molefe, K.I., Roberson, J.R. & Roeloffze, A. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
9. Rethinking the relationship with the natural environment through legally complaint sustainable tourism - van der Bank, M. & van der Bank, C.M. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
10. Community Based Tourism ventures apt for communities around the Save Valley Conservancy in Zimbabwe – Hlengwa, D.C. & Maruta, A.T. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
11. Strategic Management of Tourism Stakeholders: Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela, South Africa - Litheko, A. & & Potgieter, M. (North-West University, South Africa)
12. Hotel Characteristics and the Adoption of Demand Oriented Hotel Green Practices in Zimbabwe: A Regression – Njerekai, C. (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)
13. Attributes Influencing Financial Institutions Selection by African Youth Tourists - Matipedza, T. & Sampa, M. (Rhodes University, South Africa) & Ndoro, T. & Chuchu, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
14. Branding in the Post-truth News era: A Social Media Hegemony in Zimbabwe Tourism Brand Equity Modelling – Chigora, F. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
15. A closer look into the socio-economic effects of tourism in a Bangwaketse village, south-western Botswana - Oesi Othomile and Ushe Makambe (Botho University, Botswana)
16. Preferences in university residences: A confirmatory study- Fernando Oliveira Tavares (ISCET - Higher Institute of Business and Tourism, Portugal), Luís Dias Pacheco (Oporto Global University, Portugal) & Luís Gomes Almeida (PhD student University of Vigo, Spain)
17. The role of uMkhosi WoMhlanga (Reed Dance) and Indoni Cultural events through the eyes of young women in KwaZulu-Natal: A Cultural Tourism Approach – Nkosi, G.S. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
18. Challenges and opportunities of managing festival tourism for sustainable tourism development: The case of the Ashendye Festival, North Wollo, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia)
19. Expectations and Realities of International Students in a South African Capital City - Adediran, O.J. (Tshwane University of Technology , South Africa) & Coetzee, W.J.L. (University of Otago, New Zealand)
20. Employee training contributes to service quality and therefore sustainability - Sao Joao, E.A., Spowart, J. & Taylor, A. ( University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
21. Upgrading the Creative Tourism Route through local food promotion in Western Thailand- Ekgnarong Vorasiha (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
22. Travel motivations of domestic tourists: The case of Zimbabwe - Mapingure, C., du Plessis, E. & Saayman, S. (North-West University, South Africa)
23. The Impact of the Thailand Olympic Academy on the Olympic Movement in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
24. Community Based Tourism Model of OTOP Village Champion (OVC): A Case Study of Hat Sompan Village, Ranong Province - Supattra Pranee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
25. Examining tourism SMMEs’ extent of use of social media technologies to position and market brands – Mosweunyane, L., Rambe, P. & Dzansi, D. (Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa)
26. Perspectives on Transformative Legislative and Policy Frameworks Promoting Tourism for poverty alleviation in South Africa - Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
27. From crayons to canvas: the enlightenment of children at an arts festival - Borstlap, H. & Saayman, M. (TREES, North-West University, South Africa)
28. Ethical Responses and Environmental Law for Ecotourism Sustainability – Nicolaides, A. & Vettori, S. (SBL, University of South Africa)
29. The Effect of Internal Complaints Systems on Employee Retention and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice - Taha, O. (Ph.D. Candidate, Girne American University, North Cyprus) & İsmet Esenyel (Girne American University, North Cyprus)
30. Strategic Expansion Framework for South African Listed Mobile Telecommunication Companies into Emerging Markets - Sigauke, J., Sibanda, R. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
31.Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Financial Performance of Hotel Companies: Empirical Evidence from India - Eissa A. Al‐Homaidi, Faozi A. Almaqtari, Anwar Ahmad (Aligarh Muslim University, India) & Mosab l Tabash (Al Ain University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates)
32. How African is the African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure? An analysis of publishing trends for the period 2011-2018 - Rogerson, C.M. & Rogerson, J.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
33. An Empirical Study on the Satisfaction Level of National and International Tourists towards Natural Attractions in Kurdistan - Prabhu, M. & Abdullah, N.N (Lebanese French University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq) & G. Madan Mohan (Pondicherry University, India)
34. ‘Musiconomy’: a framework for the socio-economic development of a rural South African context - Malan, S., Strydom, A.J. & Dzansi D.Y. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
35.Forecasting CO2 Emission for Zimbabwe’s Tourism Destination vibrancy: A Univariate Approach using Box-Jenkins ARIMA Model - Chigora, F. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Thabani Nyoni (University of Zimbabwe)
36. A study of South African revealed comparative advantage exports within the BRICS - Madikizela, N., Sibanda, R. & Katrodia, A. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
37. Female Business Travellers Satisfaction on Hotel Attributes in Indonesia- Ian Shandy Kharisma, Haekal Saleh Bataty , Bayu Budi Prasetyo & Roozbeh Babolian Hendijani (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
38. How to enhance customer loyalty through dealing with complaints at The Royal Jordanian Airlines - Salim.M.Khanfar & Saeda Afaneh (Middle East University, Jordan)
39. Cognitive Image of a Tourism Destination: the Case of Sarajevo- Amra Čaušević., Ranko Mirić., Nusret Drešković & Edin Hrelja (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
40. Analysis of the spatial impact of the tourism industry on Vietnam’s economic growth - Nguyen Viet Thai & Bui Huu Duc (Thuongmai University, Vietnam), Bui Thi Thanh (Beijing Industrial University, China), Nguyen Le Dinh Quy (The University of Danang, Vietnam) & Phan Thanh Hảia (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
41. Measuring
42. Repurchase intention and word of mouth factors in the millennial generation towards various brands of Boba drinks during the Covid 19 pandemic - Nonot Yuliantoro, Vasco Goeltom, Juliana, Innocentius Bernarto, Rudy Pramono & Agus Purwanto (Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia)
43. The influence of intrinsic, extrinsic, and consumer attitudes towards intention to stay at a Budget Hotel- Vasco Adato H. Goeltom, Yustisia Kristiana, Juliana, Rudy Pramono & Agus Purwanto (Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia)
VOLUME 8(1) 2019
1. The Ogiek Peoples’ Indigenous Knowledge: A pathway towards Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Mau Forest, Kenya - Ondabu E Kiage (Moi University, Kenya)
2. Exploring the link between pleasant tourist experiences and linguistic competence: A case study of the Gariep Dam, Free State - Haarhoff, R. & Hass, A. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
3. Ethical tourism consumption: should businesses be concerned? - Mokoena, L.G. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
4. Psychic distance and international marketing effectiveness of fast-moving consumer goods of multinational companies in Nigeria - Okechukwu, A. & Adiele, K.C. (Rivers State University, Nigeria)
5. A Guideline on Sustainable Management of Creative Tourism in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand -Jeeranan Thongsamak (Ph.D. Candidate, Walailak University, Thailand), Jitpakdee, R. (Walailak University, Thailand) & Noonsuk, W. (California State University, United States of America)
6. The impact of behaviors and skills of tour guides in guiding tourist groups -Mohammad Shabeb Kassawnh, Issam Mohammad Al Makhadmeh (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan), Hakam S. Shatnawi, (Yarmouk University, Jordan) & Bashar M. Al Najdawi (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
7. Developing a food literacy definition for South Africa - Mr Hennie Fisher, H., Erasmus, A.C. & Viljoen, A. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
8. Increasing values and worth of the Naga fireball tradition in Nong Khai Province: Creative learning of cultural tourism for international tourists - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
9. Identity for cultural tourism of the Bueng Kan Province, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
10. Tourist behaviors and needs corresponding to historical tourism management at Khao Phra Wihan National Park, Sisaket Province, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
11. International frameworks promoting tourism for poverty alleviation and sustainable development- Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
12. Production of African identity: An explorative study of The Roots Festival -Foday Yahya Drammeh & Andersson, T.D.(University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
13. Conceptualising the Contribution of Community-Based Tourism to Social Justice and Self-Determination - Giampiccoli, A. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) & Mtapuri, O. (University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa)
14. Factors Affecting Decisions on Investment Patterns for Financial Problem Solving in the Accommodation Business: the case of Nonthaburi and Pathum Thani - Krisada Sungkhamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
15. The Ethicality of the Severe Wage Gap in Cleaners Salaries in South Korea - Jeongsun Kimmm (Hanbat National University, Daejon, Republic of Korea)
16. Positioning film tourism at the top of mental awareness: some explanatory insights from the Jordanian case- Khaldoun N. Kanaan, Bashar M. Al Najdawi, & Qusay Q. Khaleefah (Al-Balqa Applied University, Aqaba University College, Jordan) & Hakam S. Shatnawi (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
17. The Ethical Standpoint of Social Influencers on Hotel E-Servicescape: A Theoretical Perspective on the Existing Literature - Shohel Md. Nafi (Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh) & Tanvir Ahmed (Lund University, Sweden)
18. Assessing Supplies of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises to the Tourism Industry in Aksum Town, Ethiopia- Tadesse Bekele (Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia) & Weldegebriel Mezgebo (Aksum University, Ethiopia)
19. The Impact of the Thailand Olympic Academy on the Olympic Movement in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
20. Community based Sustainable Tourism Development - A tool for fostering and promoting peace: A case study of Odisha, India - Mohanty, P.P. (S O A University, India), Himanshu Bhusan Rout & Ansuman Samal (Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India)
21. Places to cities: Comprehending brands as personalities for Zimbabwean urban tourism vibrancy -Chigora, F. (Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa & Director, Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Hoque, M. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
22. A Community Based Model of Environmental Resource Conservation and Livelihoods: Non-Governmental Organisation Supported Tšenekeng Botanical Garden in Semonkong, Lesotho - Shale, L. & Rantšo, T.A. (National University of Lesotho)
23. Factors Effect on Tourist Loyalty: A Case Study of Homestay Tourism in Ben Tre (Southern Vietnam) - Si Nguyen Van & Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
24. The Effect of Branding on Orientation and Coaching: the Mediating Role of Hotel Culture -Ahmed Ghazi Mahafzah (Girne American University, Northern Cyprus) and Ismet Esenyel (Girne American University & Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Northern Cyprus)
25. Sustainable Tourism Development a basic factor for preserving urban heritage in Algeria: An Applied study on the Casbah of Algiers – Benghadbane, F. (University ‘Larbi Ben M’hidi’, Algeria)
26. Diversification in Production and Marketing Strategies for Higher Returns on Farmlands Located in a Coastal and Tourist District of Kenya: Lessons for South Africa’s Land Reform Projects in Similar Locations – Mbatha, C.N. (Unisa, School of Business Leadership, South Africa)
27. Obstacles in the use of Tourist Information Systems: A Tourism Sector Workers’ perspective -Mohammad Shabib Khasawneh, (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
28. Analysing tourism stakeholder’s perceptions of the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Garden Route as a tourist destination – Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University - George campus), South Africa
29. Critical solutions for critical problems: Threats to Sustainable use and Management of Nech Sar National Park (NSNP) in Ethiopia - Seid, M. & Kakiso, T. (Arba Minch University, Ethiopia)
30. Community participation in the development of rural areas: a leaders’ perspective of tourism -Setokoe, T.J. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa), Ramukumba, T. & Ferreira, I.W. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
31. Learners’ views on challenges encountered during practical work in Consumer Studies: A case of one school in KwaZulu-Natal - Ngwenya, J.C. & Shange, N.L. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
32. Socio-cultural, geographical and financial factors that influence a tourist’s overall experience of Township Tours in the Western Cape, South Africa - Potgieter, A., Berman, G.K. & Verity, J.M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
33. The increasing of potential in tourism logistics supply chain to Khon Kaen ME city, Thailand -Tunming, P. and Chaigasem, T. (Khon Kaen University, Thailand) & Siriwong, P. (Silpakorn University, Thailand)
34. The Effects of an English Speaking Guide Book for Cultural Travel on the Enhancement of Taxi Drivers’ English Speaking Skills - Duangkamol Thitivesa (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
35. Measurement of post-flight food waste: A case of South African Airways – Hlengwa, D.C. & Sambo, N.P. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
36. An Ethnographic Museum and its Contribution to Tourism Development: The Case of Aksum -Teklebrhan Legese Gebreyesus & Daniel Alemshet (Aksum University, Ethiopia)
37. Interactions between University business and Government in the process and implementation of Innovations in Tourism - Gilson de Jesus Mota Rodrigues (PhD Candidate - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI, Brazil) & Francisco Antonio dos Anjos & Sara Joana Gadotti dos Anjos (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI, Brazil)
38. How work engagement affects vocal behaviour in Iraqi hotels? - Marwah Abdulkareem Zuhaira, Abdalamir Zwin & Bushra Alasadi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
39. The influence of the spiritual tourist destination attraction on international tourist’s satisfaction and return intention: Empirical evidence of Danang City, Vietnam - Phan Thanh Hai & Mai Thi Thuong (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
40. Tourist Satisfaction Index in Saudi Arabia - Ali Medabesh & Syed Md. Faisal Ali Khan (Jazan University, Saudi Arabia)
41. The Effect of Strategic Foresight on Tourism Marketing after COVID-19 - Karar Saleh Jebur Suhail & Ghazwan Saleem Naamo (Al-Rafidain University College, Iraq), Ali Abdulhussein Gaber AlJashaam (Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University -Technical Institute of Karbala, Iraq)
42. Factors affecting the satisfaction level of business customers in the Hotel Industry: A case study of Jammu Region - Jain, D. (SoB, FoM, India)
43. How sustainable is our destination? A snap-shot from the First Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Destination Award - Diena Mutiara Lemy (Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality and Tourism, Indonesia), Amelda Pramezwary (The Republic of Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Indonesia), Frans Teguh (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo, Indonesia) & Rudy Pramono (Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
44. Investigating the influencing factors of Tourist Behaviour towards Creative Tourism and its relationship with revisit intention - Singh, R. & Nazki, A. (Central University of Kashmir, India)
Title: 9th& 10th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2019
Theme: Contemporary Issues in Management Studies Research
Guest Editor in Chief: Asst. Prof. Dr. Kashan Pirzada- University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Editorial note-9-10th GCBSS
1. Investigating the influence of servicescape on customer loyalty at a fine - dining restaurants in Jaipur - Aravind Kumar Rai & Anirvinna, C. (Manipal University Jaipur, India)
2. Globalization or Localization – factors to be considered by architects in their architectural practices - Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil (USM, Malaysia) & Wong Teik Aun, Racheal Poh & Khor Wei Min (Inti International College, Malaysia)
3. Cross-Border Migration in the Border Area of Jagoi Babang, Indonesia with Serikin, Sarawak, Malaysia: A Case study of Indonesian Traders at Serikin Market, Sarawak, Malaysia - Opportunities and Challenges - Antonia Sasap Abao (Tanjungpura University, Indonesia)
4. Cap Go Meh Festival as a multicultural event in tourism policy at Singkawang City, Indonesia - Ira Patriani (FISIP Tanjungpura University, Indonesia) & Rasidi Burhan (State of Pontianak Polytechnic, Indonesia)
5. Smart City (SC) – Smart Village (SC) and the ‘Rurban’ Concept from a Malaysia-Indonesia perspective - Jalaluddin Abdul Malek & Rabeah Adawiyah Baharudin (The National University of Malaysia)
6. The effects of restaurant attributes on customers’ emotions and loyalty - Alada, K.C.O. & Castaño, M.C.N. (The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, Philippines)
7. The relationship between serious leisure, flow experience, leisure benefit and quality of life of Yoga - Shiao-Chi Hsu (Taichung Municipal Cheng Kong Junior High, Taiwan) & Li-Wei Liu (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
8. Public policy and rural tourism development in East Java Province, Indonesia - M. Nilzam Aly, Rahmat Yuliawan, Upik Dyah Eka Noviyanti, Aji Akbar Firdaus & Ari Prasetyo (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)
9. Tenganan indigenous village as a cultural historical tourism destination in Bali Island, Indonesia - Poppy Firtatwentyna Nilasari, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto Sitindjak & Laksmi Kusuma Wardani (Petra Christian University, Indonesia
10. What do Millennials see in Indonesia? An analysis of Generation Y travel intentions through Social Media - Vita Briliana (Trisakti School of Management, Indonesia)
11. The decision taken by the SME Kopi Malam Jumat (Friday Night Coffee) towards improving their culture by adopting E-Commerce as a vehicle towards Internationalisation - Elya Kurniawati & Kun Sila Ananda (Malang State University, Indonesia)
12. Factors attracting Indonesian medical tourists to Penang (Azreen Rozainee Abdullah & Sweeting Cheah (KDU Penang University College, Malaysia), Victor Bangun Mulia,(Politeknik Internasional Bali, Indonesia) & Irfan Afif Abdul Fatah (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
13. Developing Community-Based Ecotourism in Minalungao National Park - Regina B. Zuniga (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Philippines)
14. The effect of TOURQUAL dimensions on behavioral intentions to revisit Pandawa Beach, Bali, Indonesia - Tri Palupi Robustin & Nanik Hariyana (University of Jember, Indonesia)
15. Evaluating implementation of a CSR program for Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia: A case study of Global Geopark Ciletuh (N. Nurlaela Arief & Melia Famiola (Institute Technologi Bandung, Indonesia) & M. Rahman Roestan & Zaki Zakaria (Bio Farma, Indonesia)
16. A documentary film for Ilocano cultural preservation - Karla Auria S. Galeon (Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines)
17. Coffee as geo-product of a small island geopark increasing livelihood in a local community - A study in Belitung Island - Ayu Krishna Yuliawati , Rofi Rofaida & Budhi Pamungkas Gautama (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) & 1. Asti Nur Aryanti (STIE INABA, Indonesia)
18. Quality improvement initiatives for public transportation based on a customers and service providers approach - Mokh. Adib Sultan, Rofi Rofaida, Annisa Ciptagustia & Vanessa Gaffar (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
19. Communities’ support for tourism development and environmental conservation programs in Ipo Watershed, Philippines - Anthony Vincent Thomas M. Bravo* & Mary Caroline N. Castaño (University of Santo Tomas, Philippines)
20. Rupiah currency strengthening at border area West Kalimantan Province - Gun Tembawang, Suruh Tembawang Village, Entikong District - Sri Haryaningsih, M.Si & Ira Patriani, M.Si (Tanjungpura University, Indonesia)
21. A cohort study on homeless ways of life and happiness in Bangkok - Peera Tangtammaruk (Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand) & Thanee Chaiwat (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
22. A strategic framework of good governance, infrastructure development and community empowerment in Indonesian Public Sector Management - Fernandes Simangunsong & Imelda Hutasoit (Institute of Government Study, Indonesia) & Ilham Sentosa (Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School, Malaysia)
23. Intellectual capital: extended VAIC model and building of a new HCE concept: the case of Padang Restaurant Indonesia -Hanif Hanif, Abdulah Rakhman & Muhammad Nurkholis (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie, Indonesia) & Kashan Pirzada (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)
24. Exploring IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) strategies in an Islamic tourist destination: The case of Sharia Beach, Santen Island, Banyuwangi - Dian Y Reindrawati, Nur E Suriani & Asmorowati, S. (Universitas Airlangga, Jl Dharmawangsa Dalam, Indonesia)
VOLUME 8(5) 2019
1. The tourism journey, from inspiration to post-travel phase, and the mobile technologies - Maria Nascimento Cunha (Coimbra Superior School of Education, Portugal)
2. Fast-food restaurant customer satisfaction in Thailand: A structural equation model path analysis -Ririnda Tangtatswas, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
3. The role of social media sites in trip planning and destination decision-making processes - Matikiti-Manyevere, R. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Kruger, M. (North West University, South Africa)
4. Integration of strategic wellness and sustainable marketing to achieve competitive advantage in the tourism industry: An empirical study in a sample of Iraqi tourism agencies - Hashim Fawzi Alabadi, Yousif Hchaim Sultan & Natalya Ahmed Alkaseer (University of Kufa, Iraq)
5. Tourism, creative industries and exports sustainability: An international comparative study - Kamal K. Jawad Al-Shimari (University of Kerbala, Iraq) & Hasan Kareem Hamzh & Sundus Hameed Alktrani (University of Kufa, Iraq)
6. An analysis of online purchase intentions of Thai hostel accommodations - Kwanchart Wongkhajornpaibul & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
7. An evaluation of the role of the cultural-heritage industry in the economy of South Africa - Nyawo, J.C. & Mashau, P. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
8. Tourism for people with disabilities in Italy: an overview - Migliaccio, G.(University of Sannio, Italy)
9. The impact of the financial structure of tourism companies on the market value added: An empirical study - Hasan Kareem Hamzh, Sundus Hameed Alktrani & Farhan Mohammed Abuthebahak (University of Kufa, Iraq)
10. How service quality, guest trust and guest satisfaction affect a five-star hotel’s reputation in Thailand - Kawee Supanun & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
11. Integrating the value chain and balanced scorecard to evaluate the overall performance of a tourism organization - Hanan Sahbat Abdullah & Israa Ali Ahmed (University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Alaa Jassim Salman (Al–Rafidain University College, Iraq)
12. Hot, tropical and thirsty: An analysis of bottled water consumer satisfaction in Thailand - Dumrong Pratheep Na Thalang, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
13. A Model of Participatory Community-Based Ecotourism and Mangrove Forest Conservation in Ban Hua Thang, Thailand - Patchakul Treephan, Sang-Arun Isaramalai & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
14. The tourism sharing economy and sustainability in developing countries: contribution to SDGs in the hospitality sector - Ngoni Courage Shereni (University of Johannesburg, South Africa/Lupane State University, Zimbabwe)
15. Organisational initiated work-life balance practises to combat burnout: the mediating effect of work locus of control – Employing the meso paradigm across selected South African public and private sector organisations – Grobler, A. & Grobler, S. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
16. Tourism planning and competitiveness in Ecuador - Vega Falcón Vladimir and Navarro Cejas Mercedes (Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Ecuador), Cejas Martínez Magda Francisca (Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador) & Mendoza Velazco Derling José (Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador)
17. A stakeholder’s perspective on holistic heritage tourism- a special reference to the temple city Bhubaneswar, India – Shruti Mohanty., Sitikantha Mishra & Sasmita Mohanty (Siksha o’ Anusandhan: Deemed to be University, India)
18. Alleviating poverty through community-based tourism: Evidence from Batur Natural Hot Spring Water, Bali - I Nengah Subadra (Tourism Institute of Triatma Jaya, Bali-Indonesia)
19. Ethiopian tourism practitioners level of awareness on the Tourism Development Policy: The missing links of Ethiopian tourism sustainability - Yechale Mehiret Geremew (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
20. Effect of employees' abilities on successful ICT Application and Sustainable Development Goals: a descriptive study in hospitality organizations in Iraq -Muna Hayder Abduljabbar Al-Taai (College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, Iraq)
21. Impact of accounting earnings quality on the going-concern in the Iraqi tourism firms - Maher Naji Ali, Akeel Hamza Almagtome & Karrar Saleem Hameedi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
22. The rise of specialty coffee : An investigation into the consumers of specialty coffee in Gauteng - Roland Urwin, R., Kesa, H. & Sao Joao, E. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
23. Management for the transformation of a Historical City into a MICE City supporting the idea of MICE business in AEC - Thirachaya Chaigasem (Director of Center for Asia-Pacific Tourism , Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
24. Thai cuisine restaurant performance in the United Kingdom (UK): A SEM analysis - Panadda Supawan, Puris Sornsaruht & Paitoon Pimdee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
25. The role of integrating hotel sustainability reporting practices into an Accounting Information System to enhance Hotel Financial Performance: Evidence from Iraq - Yasir Mohammed Ali Al-Wattar, Akeel Hamza Almagtome & Karrar Mohammed AL-Shafeay (University of Kufa, Iraq)
26.The impact of tourism marketing in enhancing competitive capabilities - Zana Majed Sadq (Koya University, F.R. Iraq & Lebanese-French University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq), Bestoon Othman (Koya Technical Institute, Iraq & Polytechnic University and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia) & Rebaz Khaleel Khorsheed (Paitaxt Technical Institute, F.R. Iraq)
27. The influence of place identity on destination competitiveness in Machakos County, Kenya -Winfred Musengy’a Barak, Shem Wambugu Maingi & Edgar Otsembo Ndubi (Kenyatta University, Kenya)
28. The effect of location and the promotion mix on visitors' interest: The case of Muara Beting beach and the forest of Mangrove Muara Gembong Bekasi – Hadita & Diaz Adiguna (University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia)
29. Tourism development potentials and challenges in Shonke Village, Ethiopia - Alubel Workie Eyassu & Yirdaw Asfaw Chekole (University of Gondar, Ethiopia) & Girum Teshome Tadesse (Kemissie Culture and Tourism, Ethiopia)
30. Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park: a review - Hoogendoorn, G., Kelso, C. & Sinthumule, I. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
31. Loyalty on Ecotourism analysed using the factors of tourist attraction, safety, and amenities, with satisfaction as an intervening variable - Hary Hermawan, (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia), Anita Wijayanti (Universitas AMIKOM Purwokerto, Indonesia) & Dhimas Setyo Nugroho (Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia)
32. Developing of floating market's logistics and supply chain management in Surat Thani province Thailand - Watanyu Choopak (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
33. A critique of the interface between tourism, sustainable development and sustainable tourism in community- based tourism theory - Strydom, A.J. & Mangope, D. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Henama, U.S. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
34. Measuring the satisfaction of domestic tourists on travel agencies’ marketing mix: a pilot study from Jordan - Khasawneh, N.A. & Mustafa, M.H. (Hashemite University, Jordan)
35. Investigating the relationship between management accounting techniques and sustainability development in Iraqi tourism firms - Faeq Malallah Mahmood Albalaki (Al-Hadba University College, Iraq), Zinah Fathi Mohammed (Mosul University, Iraq), Raid Jasim Majeed (Duhok University, Iraq) & Hassnain Raghib Talab (University of Kufa, Iraq)
36. Thai gem and jewellery industry business performance: Is continued growth dependent on Tourism? - Teerapatch Varasriverachote, Puris Sornsaruht & Prasittisak Sirijarupat (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thailand)
37. Rethinking Tourism in Saudi Arabia: Royal Vision 2030 Perspective - Mohammad Abuhjeeleh (Middle East University, Jordan)
38. The impact of integration of quality costs and targeted cost in achieving a competitive advantage: a perspective from hospitality - Alaa Mohammed Obaid & Khadija Jomaa Muter (AL-Mustansiriyah University, Iraq) & Jenan Abd AL-Abbas Al Dulamy (AL-Furat, AL-Awsat Technical University, Iraq)
39. Echoes of the past: the quality of life impact on visitors to military memorials – Venter, D. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
40. Measuring the satisfaction of domestic tourists on travel agencies’ marketing mix: a pilot study from Jordan – Khasawneh, N.A. & Mustafa, M.H. (Hashemite University, Jordan)
41. The effect of managerial competencies on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Makana Municipality, South Africa - Ncube, M.S. & Chimucheka, T. (University of Fort Hare, South Africa)
42. An analysis of how government support, entrepreneurship, service innovation, and e-readiness affect a Thai SME hotel’s competitive advantage - Kanitta Ounarat, Woranat Sangmanee & Singha Chaveesuk (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang , Thailand)
43. The relationships between marketing mix, brand equity, lifestyle and attitude on a consumer’s private product brand purchasing decision - Khanta, F. & Srinuan, C. (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
44. A human resource information systems and its impact on a hotel’s organisational performance -Husam Hussein Shyaa (University of Kerbala, Iraq)
45. Customers’ expectations and perceptions of service quality dimensions: A study of the hotel industry in selected cities of Tigray Region, Ethiopia – Gebremichael, G.B. & Singh, A.I. (Punjabi University, India)
46. Ethical and responsible tourism: a tool for promoting values and social justice. Two case studies of Sicily, Italy – Picciotto, L. (University of Palermo, Italy)
47. The critical nature of road logistics industry process capability’s role in sustainable tourism development - Preechaphol Pongpanit & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
48. Size developments of receptive structures in Campania during the period 2008-2017 - Pavone, P. (University of Sannio, Italy)
49. From game camps to landscape conservation: The evolution and development of the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa - Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
50. Ethical leadership in a morally driven hospitality organisational culture –Nicolaides. A. (University of South Africa)
51. Development of Religious Tourism in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia - Syamsuri Ali & Laila Maharani (Raden Intan State Islamic University, Indonesia) & Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia)
52. Mining and Ecotourism: Mining and Environmental Justice Community Network of South Africa and Others v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others: An Analysis – Muswaka,L. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
53. The evolution of accommodation services in a coastal resort town: Hermanus, South Africa- Rogerson, J.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
54. Factors influencing choice of souvenirs by international tourists - Kugbonu Mawufemor (Ho Technical University, Ghana), Gabriel Eshun (KNUST, Ghana & University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Tembi M. Tichaawa (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
55. Impact of strategic thinking in improving the administrative and financial operations in the tourism sector - Zaid Abdulzahra Jaffar & Anaam Abdulzahra Meteab (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Liqaa Mutar Atti Alnorawi (Basra Management Technical College, Iraq)
56. The influence of physical environment factors of multi-cuisine restaurants on overall service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty - Raghavendra, G., Jyothi Mallya & Anubhab Mukherjee (WGSHA, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India)
57. The business strategy of “Laksa” culinary tourism in Tangerang, Indonesia - M. Fadhli Nursal., Adi Wibowo Noor Fikri., Istianingsih., Wastam Wahyu Hidayat., Eri Bukhari & Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia)
58. African village-based tourism in the North West Province, South Africa - Tseane-Gumbi, L., Manwa, H. & Dlamini-Boemah, D. (North-West University, South Africa)
59. The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing performance: An analytical study of a sample of five star hotels in Jordan - Khaled Atallah Al-Tarawneh (Petra University, Jordan)
60. Mobile Apps and Travel Apps on the tourism journey - Magano, J. (ISCET – Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e Turismo, Portugal) & Nascimento Cunha, M.Z. (ISMAI – Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal)
61. Research on the determinants that form Hoi An world heritage tourism destination, Vietnam - Le Duc Toan & Phan Thanh Hai (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
62. Airport Wi-Fi Service Delivery and Monetisation Strategies – an International Perspective – Louw, C. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
63. The supply chain management of agricultural products, aromatic coconut and agro-tourism in Thailand - Sudarat Pimonratanakan (Suansunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
64. The mediation effect of strategic foresight between leadership behavior and tourism marketing strategy - Intisar Abbas Hammadi Al-Dulaimi (Uruk University, Iraq), Liqaa Mutar Atti Alnorawi (Basra Management Technical College, Iraq) & Zaid Abdulzahra Jaffar (University of Kufa, Iraq)
65. Applying theory of planned behavior in researching tourists’ behavior: The case of Hoi An World Cultural Heritage site, Vietnam - Le Duc Toan, Nguyen Huu Phu, Phan Thanh Hai, Ho Thi Phi Yen & Pham Xuan Son (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
66. Tourism media perception affecting people’s travel behaviour and planning - Ekgnarong Vorasiha (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
67. Comparative assessment of residents' behavior towards tourism in nature reserves - Mohammad B. Al-Badarneh, Khalid M.A. Magablih & Omar A. Alananzeh (Yarmouk University, Jordan) & Mukhles M. Al-Ababneh (Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan)
68. Assessing tourism as a catalyst for rural development and community awareness: A case study of Coffee Bay, Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape Province – Vallabh, D. & Woyikani, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa), Apleni, L (University of Zululand)
69. Developing a service quality questionnaire for budget category hotels – Saravanan, A. (Government Arts College, Tamil Nadu, India)
70. A dining experience typology of Middle of the Pyramid (MOP) consumers in Gauteng - Kleinhans, E. H., Van Heerden, C.H. & Kleynhans, I.C. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
71. Frankenstein and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Ethics and Human Rights Considerations – Mpofu, R. & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa)
72. Challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry in Amhara Regional State: The World Heritage sites in focus - Tewodros Abuhay, Derb Abiew & Tewodros Leulseged (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
73. Climate change effects on natural resources availability and tourism sustainability in Maasai Mara National Game Reserve, Kenya - Laban Kipkemoi Rotich, Richard Ogola Belle Makopondo & Davis Wekesa Barasa (The Technical University of Kenya, Kenya) & Nehemia Kiprop Kiprutto (Moi University, Kenya)
74.Enhancing Local Economic Development through tourism: Perspectives from a cohort of Got Ngetta rock climbers in Mid-North Uganda – Mubangizi, B.C. (University of KwaZulu – Natal, South Africa) & Mwesigwa, D. (Lira University, Uganda & University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
75. Effects of ecological process on indigenous pottery as a cultural tourism product: A case of Zulu pottery -Folasayo Enoch Olalere (University of Zululand, South Africa)
76. Suitability of conventional management accounting practices to small and medium enterprises operating in the hotel sector of the Cape Metropole – Ntshonga, O. & Kamala, P.N. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
77. An investigative study of customers’ experiences on customized contact services in Oporto hotels- Maria Nascimento Cunha (ISMAI -Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal)
78.Constraints of young prospective tourism entrepreneurs in the semi-rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal - Mbele, K.G. & Nyide, C.J. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
79. The Development Strategy of World Heritage Tourism in Indonesia - Hadi Sasana & Herbasuki Nurcahyanto (Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia) & Ivo Novitaningtyas (Universitas Tidar, Indonesia)
80. Sustainability challenges of health tourism non-profit - Organisations -Choto, P., Chux Gervase Iwu, & Tengeh, R.K. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
81. Visitors motivations and loyalty towards the Umtiza arts festival - Acha-Anyi Paul Nkemngu & Macozoma Sibusiso Sibonisiwe (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Acha-Anyi Asongu (University of South Africa)
82. Studying the effect of a sharing economy on the Tourism Industry: Developing the local economy for the Nubian Community: An empirical study using the Gharb Soheil Village - Rania Magdy Orabi (The High Institute of Tourism & Hotels In Alexandria - King Marriott Academy, Egypt)
83. Determining critical success factors of construction projects in the hospitality industry: A conceptual framework - Tshehla, M.F. (University of South Africa)
84. Constructed gender discrimination: Reflections on a long and winding road – Steyn, R. (University of South Africa)
85. Local communities’ perceptions on the role of tourism in protected areas – Lekaota, L. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa) & Khashane, R.S. (University of Venda, South Africa)
86. Tourism-led growth hypothesis: case study of some North African countries - Sissani Midoun (University Ibn- Khaldoun, Algeria) & Frioua Nardjess (University Lounissi Ali, Algeria)
87. Factors affecting the selection of domestic hotels with 3/4 star ratings: The case of Da Nang City, Vietnam- Le Anh Tuan (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
88. How website quality, e-service quality, e-satisfaction, and social value affect poshtel e-loyalty in Thailand - Chatchai Phromlert., Samart Deebhijarn & Puris Sornsaruht (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
89. Inventorying regionally relevant geomorphosites with best tourism potential in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa – Chingombe, W. (University of Mpumalanga, South Africa)
90. Understanding the intention of customer experience in the age of omni-channel shopping and its impact on shopping : Online shopping tendencies - Tim Chen (Ton Tuc Dhang University, Vietnam), Dogrua Makara (Azam Quaid University, Pakistan) Courtne Sean (Solusi University, Zimbabwe) & Suessc McGinleya and Johnycy Cheng (Al-Hikmah University, Nigeria)
91. Students’ perspectives on why they choose to study hospitality management: A South African case study - Vikelwa Judith Nomnga & Nombeko Felicity Dwesini (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa)
Special issue- Central University of Technology, South Africa
Title: Promoting Entrepreneurship Development - Views from the Global South
Guest Editor in Chief : Prof. Patient Rambe - Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
Editorial Note - click to view
1.The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of immigrant-owned SMMEs in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa - Chimucheka, T. & Chinyamurindi W.T. (University of Fort Hare, South Africa) & Dodd, N. (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
2. Does firm size matter in innovation in small accommodation businesses in developing economies? – Chipunza, L.T. (Post - Doctoral Researcher, Central University of Technology, South Africa)
3. Fostering creativity and innovation though leadership and affective commitment: The moderated mediation analysis – Khaola, P. (National University of Lesotho)
4. Effects of emotions on entrepreneurial attitudes, self-efficacy and intentions - Musiiwa, D. & Rambe, P. (Central University of Technology, South Africa) & Khaola, P. (National University of Lesotho, Lesotho)
5. A theoretical analysis on the impact of relationship marketing practices on customer retention: A case of transformed small grocery retail shops in Mangaung Municipality area in South Africa -Emmanuel Ikechukwu Iwuchukwu , Edmund Owusu Amoakoh & Crispen Chipunza (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
6. Developing Enterprising Cities in South Africa – Das, D. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
7. The effects of organizational structure and management on the Olympic Movement in South East Asian Countries - Suriyan Somphong (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
8. Olympism and the values of sport: De Coubertin and the Thailand Olympic Academy - Suriyan Somphong (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
9. A proposed program to promote the role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) for driving Sustainable Performance Audits and investigating their impact on Tourism in Iraq - Sabreen Kareem Balasem (Wasit University, Iraq) & Karima Ali Aljawhar (Mustansiriya University, Iraq)
10. Impact of investment decisions on shared value: An analysis of Iraqi tourism companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2017 - Haidar Hamoudi Ali Al Zubaidi, Salam Abdul Rahman Abdul Abbas Al-Ibrahimi & Hayder jawad Kadhim Murshedi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
11. Motivation and work behavior in tourism-related businesses located on the Thai-Malaysian border during Thailand’s Reform Period - Aree Naipinit & Thirachaya Chaigasem (Khon Kaen University, Thailand) & Patipat Tunming (Sripatum University, Thailand)
12. The integration time-driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) and events approach: Their role in decision-making and their effect on tourism - Mohanad Abdul Rahman & Miaad Hameed Ali (University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Ruaa Hussein Abdual Hussein (Madenat Alelem University College, Iraq)
13. The development strategy of Betawi Eco-Culinary Tourism as a potential business in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia - Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Indonesia)
14. Taking on the challenge: small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) and socioeconomic development in South Africa - Tendai Makwara (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
15. An exploratory survey on satisfaction levels amongst tourists in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve - Jauro, T.I. & Rampedi, I.T. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Ayodeji Peter Ifegbesan (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria)
16. Value relevance of sustainability reporting under an accounting information system: Evidence from the tourism industry - Maithm Khaghaany, Sarah Kbelah & Akeel Almagtome (University of Kufa, Iraq)
17. Adoption of conventional management accounting practices by small and medium enterprises operating in the hotel sector of the Cape Metropole - Ntshonga, O. & Kamala, P.N. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
18. The importance community participation in tourism development to ensure sustainable rural development – Setokoe, T.J. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
19. The problematic implementation of community-based ecotourism in Indonesia: A case study in ecotourism of Gili Labak-East Java - Abdulkadir Rahardjanto, H. Husamah, Diani Fatmawati, Fuad Jaya Miharja & Dwi Setyawan (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia)
20. Zimbabwe tourism destination brand personality: Tourists’ voices on the ground - Chigora, F. (University of KwaZulu-Natal/Catholic University of Zimbabwe), Ndlovu, J. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Muzurura, J. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe)
VOLUME 8(4) 2019
1. Is it male or female? Exploring brand association and personification of a textile-based tourism destination, Usep Suhud, Ernita Maulida & Tarma (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia)
2. “Actions speak louder than words”: Comparing attendees’ green behaviour at home with their inclination to support green practices at arts festivals – Viviers, P., Botha, K. & Marumo, E. (TREES (Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society, North-West University, South Africa)
3. Push-pull factors and behaviors of tourists to Tongchom Market, Mae La Noi District, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand - Tommanee Sooksai (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
4. E-Administrative practices for financial technology : A guide to improving strategic performance for tourism companies - Sajjad Mohemmed Atiyah (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Khalidiya Mostafa Atta Abd & Sami Ahmed Abbas (Iraqi University, Iraq)
5. Features of regional tourism and the development of its spiritual and historical aspects - Kuralbayev Almas, Kenzhaliyev Altynbek, Kulbayeva Meruert & Shinet Gulzada (Ahmet Yasawi University, Kazakhstan)
6. Analysis of Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning in the Hospitality Sector: The Case of Paputo Beach Café - Muhammad Ichwan Musa, M. Ikhwan Maulana Haeruddin, Muhammad Ilham Wardana Haeruddin & Muh. Iqbal Burhan (Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia)
7. Infusion of indigenous knowledge into the teaching of ecotourism entrepreneurship – Hlengwa, D.C. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
8. Human capital development (HCD) risks in the African hospitality industry – Mara, C., Govender, C. & Makka, A. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
9. Measuring website effectiveness in communicating tourism destinations in Jakarta, Indonesia - Dhian Tyas Untari (Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, West Java-Indonesia) & Budi Satria (Indraprasta PGRI University, Jakarta-Indonesia)
10. An investigation in to the cascading effects on critical infrastructure by speeded up robust features in detection for landslides - Chen, T. (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam), Tasawar, Hayat (Quaid I Azam University, Pakistan), Mourad Monsour, (National University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe), Emmanuel Anizoba Basorun (University of Nigeria, Nsukka) & John CY Chen (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
11. Comprehensive Participatory Approach as a Mechanism for Community Participation in Ecotourism - Gumede, T.K. & Nzama, A.T.(University of Zululand, South Africa)
12. Tourist experience, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions of rural tourism destinations in the Eastern Cape, South Africa - Amoah, F. & Amoah, L.N.A. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
13.Partnerships and networks in Zimbabwe’s cultural tourism arena: A host community perspective- Makacha, C. (Midlands University State, Zimbabwe), Njovo, M.(Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Mada, A. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe)
14. International charter related to historical and cultural tourism and tourists’ demands on historical tourist attraction management within Khao Phra Viharn National Park Area, Sisaket, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigasem, Kittibodee Yaipool & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
15. A model for environmentally-friendly food tourism in Ban Koh Klang, Khlong Prasong Sub-District, Mueang District, Krabi, Thailand- Piyapak Bhumibhamorn & Parichart Visuthismajarn, (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
16. Managing disaster and crisis in tourism: A critique of research and a fresh agenda - Gani, A. & Singh, R. (Central University of Kashmir, India)
17. The influence of destination image components on tourist satisfaction and loyalty: A case study in Con Dao Island, Vietnam - Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
18. Analysing the Impact of BREXIT on Artists Careers within the United Kingdom by Examining the Market for 'Fine Art' – Baur, P.W. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
19. A Critical Challenge for the Extractive Industry – Tourism as a New Frontier for Sustainability -Ogechi Okoro (Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand
20. A Systematic Review of Sustainable Wine Tourism Research in Asia 2000-2018 - Amarando, M., Assenov, I. & Visuthismajarn, P. (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
21. An assessment of ecotourism potential for Community Based Ecotourism Development: The case of Alemsaga Priority State Forest, South Gondar, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia) & Mulugeta Damtie (Debark University, Ethiopia), Alubel Workie (University of Gondar) , Engdu Gebrewold Weldesenbet (University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
22. The relationship between socio-cultural impacts of a township tour and the overall life satisfaction of residents in townships in the Western Cape, South Africa – Potgieter, A., Berman, G.K. & Verity, J.M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
23. Towards enhancing Tour Guide professionalism in Tanzania through a Tour Guide Portal - Shidende, D.M. & Kaijage, S.F. (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology [NM-AIST], Tanzania) & Möbs, S. (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University [DHBW] Germany)
24. Determining the Market for Marine Wildlife Tourism in South Africa - Geldenhuys, L. (Boston City Campus and Business College, Stellenbosch- Affiliated with North-West University, South Africa) & van der Merwe, P. & Saayman, M.[RIP] (North-West University, South Africa)
25. Skills gaps and training needs in the tourism sector in Malawi - Bello, F. (Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia)., Kamanga, G. (Mzuzu University, Malawi) & Jamu, E.S. (University of Malawi, Malawi)
26. Sustainability practices of Transkei guesthouses –Mbenenge, M.F. & Thomas, P. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
27. Destination Enhancers Influencing Tourism Demand - Oosthuizen, N. (Rhodes University, South Africa) & Ferreira, D. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
28. Testing the role of country and destination image effect on satisfaction and revisit intention among Western travellers - Nimit Soonsan (Phuket Rajabhat University, Thailand - PhD Candidate Prince of Songkla University, Thailand) & Sasiwemon Sukahbot (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
29. A local cuisine tourism approach to authenticity and a sense of place for Postmodern gastronomy in I-SAN Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigasem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
30. Sustainable destination image recovery for enhancing the performance of the tourism sector in Zimbabwe- Kanokanga Phillip F., Tukuta, M., Chikuta, O. & Ndoda G. R. (Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe)
31. Service Quality of the Gauteng Hotel Industry Supply Chain - Mosana, L.E.M., Roberson, J.R. & Nesamvuni, A.E. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
32. Expectations of role-players in the hospitality industry regarding entry-level employment for Grade 12 learners - Van der Merwe, L., Kleynhans, I.C. & Roberson, J.R. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
33. A Middle Income Economy by 2030: A Zimbabwe Tourism Destination Perspective Based on a GDP Forecast using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach - Chigora, F. (Research Associate University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), Nyoni Thabani (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
34. Branding culture: The missing link between top level managers and general employees in Zimbabwe’s small to medium tourism enterprises - Chigora, F. (Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
35. Management of Historical Tourism in Songkhla Province, Thailand - Somjit Intamano & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
36. Profile characteristics of marine tourists - Jonas, A.G., Radder, L. & van Eyk, M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
37. Challenges faced by Human Resource Management in Tourism and Hospitality Management Education in Iraq - Husam Hussein Shyaa (University of Kerbala, Iraq)
38. Enhancing Tourism graduate employability with English for Occupational Purposes: South African academic and industry perspectives - Rautenbach, E. & Mann, C.C. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
39. Developing tourism through sports events to assist in the rejuvenation of the strategic position of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) - Abujamous, I.M., Alsarayreh, M.N. & Harazneh, A.A. (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan) & Jawabreh, O.A. (The University of Jordan) & Jahmani, A. (Al Falah University – Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
40. Economic incentives and social influences to separate used dry batteries at source: A lesson learned from the tourist resort of Hat-Yai, Songkhla Province, Thailand - Montee Pruekparichart, Mattanawadee Hattayanon & Sang-Arun Isaramalai (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand) & Kuaanan Techato (Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management (HSM) Bangkok, Thailand)
41. Ecotourism as a mechanism for local economic development: the case of communities adjacent to the Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Gumede, T.K. & Nzama, A.T. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
42. Factors affecting economic growth enablers of SMME’s: a case of tourism-attraction in Durban, South Africa – Ngwenya, T.C.S. & Zondi, W.B. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
43. Exploring the potential and challenges: guesthouse based tourism and hospitality in Maun, Botswana - Moswete, N. & Mpotokwane, M.A. (University of Botswana) & Nkape, K. & Maera, K. (Botswana Wildlife Training Institute, Botswana)
44. Supply chain management factors affecting tourists' satisfaction towards Thung Bua Daeng Floating Market, Thailand - Anchalee Hiranphaet (Suansunandha Rajbbhat University, Thailand)
45. The role of accounting information in reducing the funding constraints of small and medium enterprises in Iraq - Hakeem Hammood Flayyih & Yassir Nori Mohammed(University of Baghdad, Iraq) & Hassnain Raghib Talab (University of Kufa, Iraq)
46. Commoditising indigenous crafts to enhance tourism experience: A case study on Mambong Pottery, Malaysia - Olalere, F. E. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
47. Combatting criminality at leisure, play and recreational parks in South Africa - Kola O. Odeku, K.O. & Sambo S. R. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
48. Shaping the organizational architecture for SME survival: A case of nascent small restaurants in Durban - Zwane, M. & Kanyangale, M. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Ndoro, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
49. Management Capacity within Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in the Eastern Cape Province – Mxunyelwa, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Lloyd, H. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
50. Special investigations in cases of encroachment on natural tourism resources and the environment in the forests and public areas of Southern Thailand - Witchaphan Chantraporn, Manop Promchana & Kua-anan Techato (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
51. Uncovering factors influencing consumers’ interest for craft beer: A study on microbreweries in Bangalore, India - Patwardhan, V., Dabral, P. & Mallya, J. (Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, India)
52. Tourism potential at Florisbad: an important archaeozoological site at Free State Province, South Africa – Rabumbulu, M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
53. Understanding Bloom’s taxonomy for improved student learning in tourism and hospitality at a university of technology in South Africa - Oosthuizen, D., Esterhuyse, M. & Cilliers, C.D. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
54. The relationships between the credibility of badminton brand spokespersons, brand image, and attitudes towards consumer purchase intention - Chih-Wei Lin, Su-Shiang Lee, Hua-Yi Lin, Zi Xin Lim , Yu-Chih Cheng & Shu-Chin Huang (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
55. Effect of a waitresses’s head scarf (Hijab) on tipping behavior in restaurants – Shatnawi, H.S. (Yarmouk University Irbid – Jordan)
56. Better resource management: A qualitative investigation of Environmental Management Accounting practices used by the South African hotel sector - Nyide, C.J. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
57. The role of the auditor in the reliability of the future financial information and the effect on tourism: an empirical study of the Iraqi environment according to ISA 810 - Abass, Z.K. & Yaqoob. I.I.(Mustansiriyah University, Iraq)
58. The Impact of IFRS 15 on Earnings Quality in businesses such as hotels: Critical Evidence from the Iraqi Environment - Anmar Muhsein Hameed (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Inspector General’s Office, Iraq) & Bushra Fadhil Khudhair Al-taie & Bushra Najem. Aubdullah Al-Mashhadani (University of Baghdad, Iraq)
59. The impact of implementing electronic governance on the quality of accounting information in businesses – An applied study -Yaser Saad Zenad, Ahmed Sami Hasaballah & Jawad Kadhim Shlaka (Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Baghdad, Iraq)
60. The role of fundamental analysis in determining the market value of hospitality, tourism and company shares - Ahmed Sami Hasaballah, Yaser Saad Zenad and Jawad Kadhim Shlaka (Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research Baghdad, Iraq)
61. The impact of the devaluation of the Turkish Lira on investment and trade and its impact on tourism - Salam Abdul Rahman Abdul Abbas Al-Ibrahimi, Hayder Jawad Kadhim Murshedi & Haidar Hamoudi Al Zubaidi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
62. Black Economic Empowerment and South African Tourism: The Early Pioneers - Sixaba, Z. & Rogerson, C.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
63. Contributions of purpose-built attractions to tourism promotion in Nigeria: The role of Magicland Amusement park, Abuja – Ezenagu Ngozi & Olabinjo MuhammedAdewale (Afe Babalola University, Nigeria) & Diminyi Christopher A (University of Calabar, Nigeria)
64. Constructing an International Marathon Participants’ Behavioral Model in Taiwan - Lee, S. -S., Tseng, Y. -C., Lin, Y.-S., Su, Y. -C., Sia, W. Y. & Lin, C. -W. (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
65. Employing marketing information systems for the success of small and medium enterprises: A field study of some Tourism and Travel companies in Baghdad - Akram Salim Hasan Al-Janabi (University of Dijlah, Iraq) & Hussam Ali Mhaibes (University of Baghdad, Iraq)
66. An overview of accessible Tourism information at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta - Lestari, N.S., Wiastuti, R.D. & Triana, I. (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
67. Assessing the impact of tourism related development on the natural habitant using a Geographical Information System - Mugwena, T. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
68. Study of potential ecotourism resources: Ban Hua Thang, Muang District, Satun Province, Thailand Patchakul Treephan, Sang-Arun Isaramalai & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
69. Perceptions of local residents and authorities on human–wildlife coexistence in Zimbabwe -Mudimba, T. & Tichaawa, T.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
70. Towards a sustainable coastal tourism development in Ghana - Eshun, G. & Tichaawa, T.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa) & Appiah, D.O. (KNUST, Ghana)
71. The effect of strategic re-engineering and Six Sigma techniques on strategic competitiveness in the tourism industry - Anaam Abdulzahra Meteab & Hashim Fawzi Dabbas (University of Kufa, Iraq) & Khalidiya Mostafa Atta Abd (Iraqi University, Iraq)
72. Heritage tourism of archaeological sites in Jordan: Archaeological site employees’ perspectives - Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh (Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan)
73. Competitive advantage of a social enterprise restaurant: A case study of ‘Cabbages & Condoms’ Restaurant, Thailand - Sor Sirichai Nakudom & Rungrawee Jitpakdee (Walailak University, Thailand)
74. Tourists’ perceptions of a destination brand image: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Ezeuduji, I.O. & Mhlongo, P.S. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
75. Tourists’ profile and perceptions of a destination brand essence: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa -Ezeuduji, I.O. & Mlambo, S.S.(University of Zululand, South Africa)
76. Are they really happy? Insights into the Medical Tourists’ Satisfaction in Delhi Hospitals - Kumar, N. & Sharma, S (Amity University, India)
77. Understanding Japanese consumer behaviour and cultural relevance of gift giving - Suarez, L. (Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates), Hugo, N. (Eastern Illinois University, USA) & Paris, C.M. ( Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates/University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
VOLUME 8(3) 2019
1.Destination Marketing for Expatriates: A Case Study in Northern Cyprus - Mohammad Abuhjeeleh & Ibrahim Harazneh (Middle East University, Jordan), Mohamed Dawood Shamout (The American University in Emirates, United Arab Emirates) & Mohammad Tahseen Sleimi (Palestine Technical University, Palestine)
2. Heritage Tourism as a Strategy for the Local Economic Development in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - Gumede, T.K. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
3. Visitor satisfaction at a local festival: An analysis of the Strawberry festival in George, South Africa – Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
4. Determining the roles of tourist guides which directly affect secondary teachers’ satisfaction: A case of Maropeng and the Sterkfontein caves, South Africa - Makopo, B.M., Geldenhuys, S. & Sime, L. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
5. Benefits of sustainable rural tourism: a case of Nqileni village, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa- Setokoe, T.J. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
6. The Relationship between Perceived Supervisor Support and the Aspects of Organizational Silence- Ayhan Karakas (Bartin University, Turkey)
7. Factors inhibiting large enterprises from establishing sustainable linkages with black-owned tourism SMMEs in South Africa - Harilal, V. & Nyikana, S. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
8. Quality of service delivered by alcoholic beverage suppliers to customers in the South African hospitality industry – Gouws, E. & Motala, T. (University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa)
9.The socio-cultural diversity of hotel employees and their perception of the management styles in hotels of Gauteng province, South Africa- Annan, C.Y., Sibanyoni, J.J. & Tabit, F.T. (University of South Africa)
10. A skill- gap study: an analytical approach with a special focus on tourism education and the tourism industry in Odisha - Mohanty, S. (Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, India) & Mohanty, A. (Institute of Management & Information Science -Odisha, India)
11. Community opinion towards a village homestay program in Soe, a small nomadic community in the North-West of Bhutan -Tenzin, K., Mee-Udon, F. & Rudklaw Prampesit (Naresuan University, Thailand)
12. Just how much do the perceptions of crime and safety influence tourists’ travelling to emerging countries? – Potgieter, A. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
13. Comparative Analysis of Tourism Determination in 36 Countries: A Panel Approach - Molepo, N.S., Belete, A. & Hlongwane, J.J. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
14. The satisfaction of long-stay senior tourists on tourism management in Cha-Am district, Petchaburi and Hua-Hin district, Prachuap Khiri Khan - Supattra Pranee & Tanapol Kortana (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand), Panvipa Piyamputra (Ministry of Interior Thailand) & Monchai Rungthongpongampai (Premium Energy Corporation Co., Ltd., Thailand)
15. Proposing a model on the recognition of indigenous food in tourism attraction and beyond - Mnguni, E.M. & Giampiccoli, A. (Durban University of Technology , South Africa)
16. E-Marketing Adoption: An Overview from Ethiopian Tourism Businesses- Assegid Ayele Misganaw (Arba Minch University, Ethiopia - PhD fellow - Punjabi University, India) & Apar Singh (Punjabi University, India)
17. Examining governance and growth of the hotel sector in Malawi: An environmental metabolic rift perspective - Khonje, L.Z. (Mzuzu University, Malawi) & Leonard, L. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
18. Promoting border areas for developmental ecotourism: The case study of Al-Adaseya, Jordan - Fakhrieh Darabseh & Khaled Hailat (Yarmouk University, Jordan), Khaldoun Kanaan (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan) & Fawziya Hussein (Pella Archaeological Site, Jordan)
19. The Impact of the Print Media on Building a Destination Brand Equity in Zimbabwe - Chigora, F. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Ndlovu, J. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
20. Demographics and consumer behaviour of visitors to the Wegry/Drive Out Bull Run motorsport event -Mpotaringa, M.C. & Hattingh, J.L. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
21. Apprehending the tour operators’ destination brand knowledge- Dahiya, K.S. (Independent Researcher, India) & Batra, D.K. (International Management Institute [IMI] Delhi, India)
22. Montenegro as a high quality tourism destination- Trends and Perspectives - Anđela Jakšić- Stojanović & Marija Janković (University Mediterranean, Montenegro) & Neven Šerić (University of Split, Croatia)
23. Current perceptions and the need for a strategic plan for the whale watching industry in Mirissa, Sri Lanka - T.G. Supun Lahiru Prakash & N.S. Amarasinghe (University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka) & Sevvandi Jayakody (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
24. An Assessment of Coastal Tourism Amenities for the South Coast region, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
25. Guest house supervisors’ meaning cognition and its influence on job satisfaction in the context of Mombasa County, Kenya - Kivuva, A.K. (Kenyatta University, Kenya), Pepela, A.W. (Pwani University, Kenya) & Nzioka, A.M. (Machakos University, Kenya)
26. Marketing communication approaches and independent restaurant success and failure in an urban restaurant industry in the Eastern Mediterranean - Özkan Aydinel, O. & Esenyel, I. (Girne American University, North Cyprus)
27. The role of entrepreneurial policies in developing rural tourism entrepreneurship in South Africa - Lebambo, M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
28. The reticent effect of ICT on tourism: A case study of Zimbabwe - Tsokota, T. (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe& Nelson Mandela University, South Africa) & von Solms, R. & van Greunen, D. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
29. Customer Service Dimensions in State and Private Game Reserves in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa -Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
30. Socio-economic factors hindering domestic tourism consumption in Kenya: the case of Nakuru, Mombasa and Nairobi - Mongare Omare (Kisii University, Kenya) & Ondabu Kiage, John Akama & Timothy Sulo (Moi University, Kenya)
31. Gender pay discrimination in the hospitality industry in South Africa – Vettori, S & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa, RSA)
32. The effect of crime on tourists’ travel decisions to Malawi – Njoloma, E. & Kamanga, G. (Mzuzu University, Malawi)
33. Social big data analysis of Five Star hotels: A case study of hotel guest experience and satisfaction in Marrakech - El haouta Imane & Idelhadj Abdelouahab (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco)
34. Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) promoting Local Economic Development in Hogsback, Eastern Cape, South Africa - Mxunyelwa, S. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa) & Henama, U.S. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
35. Sustainable wine tourism and vineyards’ environmental consciousness in Thailand - Mitchell Amarando, Ilian Assenov & Parichart Visuthismajarn (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
36. Organisational citizenship and the morning after - A case of an acquisition of a local hotel chain by a global brand – Fisher, W. & Pooe, R.I.D.(University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
37. South Africa and USA trade: What are the scenarios beyond the ‘Africa Growth and Opportunity Act’ (AGOA) for South Africa’s wine exports and wine tourism sector? – Mbatha, C.N. (University of South Africa, RSA)
38. Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the hospitality industry: A literature Review – Dwesini, N.F. (Walter Sisulu University, South Africa)
39. Analysing the use of integrated marketing communication at the View Boutique Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa - Mebuge, C.O. & Mudzanani, T. (University of South Africa, RSA)
40. The Role of the tourist mix in activating Christian Religious Tourism in Madaba Governorate, Jordan - Issam Mohammad Almakhadmah (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
41. The role of Religious Tourism for sustainable tourism development: the case of Adyame Yordanos Wonkshet Monastery, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia)
42.Influence of service quality on brand image and repeat patronage in the Hospitality Industry: A content analysis - Ramjit Singh & Abid Suhail Nika (Central University of Kashmir, India)
43. Intangible Cultural Heritage as Tourism Product: The Malaysia Experience - Folasayo Enoch Olalere (University of Zululand, South Africa)
44. Factors Impact on Tourists Destination Loyalty: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City - Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam) & Hai Ho Nguyen (PhD Student) - (Hong Bang International University, Vietnam)
45. Olympism, the lost legacy in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
46. The marketing factors influencing consumer decisions to use the services of sports and exercise centers in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
47. Guest dynamics and perceptions towards environmentally-friendly practices in hotels in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – Sucheran, R. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) & Moodley, V. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
48. Poor basic water supply facilities and infrastructure in South Africa: A hospitality sector perspective - Sambo Sifiso Rudolf and Kola O. Odeku (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
49. Proactive personality in the workplace and its relevance in South Africa - Steyn, R. (University of South Africa, South Africa)
50. The Influence of Satisfaction on Job Outcomes among Foreign and local Academic Staff at a Selected International University - Sibanda, M.B. (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Kabungaidze, T. (Rhodes University, South Africa), Ndoro, T. & Chuchu, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
51. Travel and the Chinese outbound tourism market: Governance and Ethical considerations- Keeve, K. (SABOT -Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) South Africa) & Nicolaides, A. (University of South Africa)
52. Foreign Tourists' Perceptions of Toraja as a Cultural Site, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Hasyim, M., Andi Muhammad Akhmar, Prasuri Kuswarini & Wahyuddin, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
53. Acceptance of Information Technology affecting the convenience of Agritourism Services in Chumphon Province, Thailand - Sudarat Pimonratanakan (Suansunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
54. Stakeholders Analysis on Tourism Collaborative Governance in Tanjung Lesung Tourism, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia - Bambang Pujiyono, Kismartini, Teguh Yuwono, Ida Hayu Dwimawanti (Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia)
55. Do socio-demographic characteristics influence destination attractiveness perceptions after political turmoil: the case of Zimbabwe? Erisher Woyo (International University of Management, Namibia), Slabbert, E. & Saayman, M, (RIP), (TREES, North-West University, South Africa)
56. Regulated or Unregulated Trade of Tourist Guides? - Fodranová, I. (University of Economics, Slovak Republic)
57. The draft national tourism strategy in the context of destination image recovery in Zimbabwe - Kanokanga P. F., Tukuta, M., Chikuta, O. & Ndoda G. R. (Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe)
58. Determining tourism graduate employability, knowledge, skills, and competencies in a VUCA world: Constructing a tourism employability model - Wakelin-Theron, N., Ukpere, Wilfred, I. & Spowart, J. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
59. The Tourism Impact of Ebola in Africa: Lessons on Crisis Management - Maphanga, P.M. & Unathi Sonwabile Henama (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
60. Exploring the [un]likelihood of successful integration of skilled and unskilled immigrants into the hospitality industry – Iwu, C.G., Bayari, L.S.O. & Jaiyeola, A. (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
61. Tourist Trails in Peripheral City Areas - de Jesús Toro Ríos, H. (University of Medellín, Colombia)
62. The Pongola Game Reserve Revisited: The search for an early South African protected area - Brett, M.R. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
63. Reflections on Major Challenges facing Tourism Sector in South Africa -Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
64. The Relationship between Corporate Strategy, Strategic Leadership and Sustainable Organisational Performance: Proposing a Conceptual Framework for the South African Aviation Industry - Mukhezakule, M. & Tefera, O. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
65. An understanding of the visitor experience at the Egyptian and Te Papa Museums: The Other Roles of Traditional and Modern Museums - Ahmed Abdel Fattah (Tourism College, Institute for Tourism Studies Macao, China)
66. Hotel standardization and classification system in Kenya: A quality assurance approach - Omondi Jack Fredrick (Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi. Standards and Quality Assurance Department Tourism Regulatory Authority, Kenya)
67. Challenges and solutions to the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in India-Yogesh Hole (Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq), Khedkar, E.B. (D. Y. Patil School of Management, India) & Snehal Pawar (Cihan College School, Iraq)
68. The significance of pilgrimage tourism to sustainable development with special reference to the Indian context - Yogesh Hole (Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq), Khedkar, E.B. (D. Y. Patil School of Management, India) & Snehal Pawar (Cihan College School, Iraq)
69. Identifying key success factors for marketing tourism establishments: A case study of four regions in Lesotho – Burger, S.E., Lekaota, L. & Nqosa, N.E. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
70. Influence of employee Intrinsic Motivations on career sustainability in the Travel Agency and Tour Operator companies in Mombasa County, Kenya - Kipkosgei, B. & Munyiri, E.K. (Kenyatta University, Kenya) & Nzioka, A.M. (Machakos University, Kenya)
VOLUME 8(2) 2019
1.An Analysis of Destination Attributes to Enhance Tourism Competitiveness in Bangladesh -Md. Kaium Hossain (United International University, Bangladesh) & Saiful Islam (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2.The Evaluation of Complaint Handling Processes in Five Star Hotels and its Reflection on Customers' Satisfaction - Sima Ghaleb Magatef & Raed Ahmad Momani (University of Petra, Jordan) & Ghaiath Altrjman (Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan)
3. Township tourism as an agent for the socio-economic well-being of residents - Lovisa Sisco Ndapanda Auala (Nelson Mandela University), van Zyl, S.R & Ferreira, I.W. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
4. The Management of Tourism Crises in Jordan: Amman Hotels' Bombing Case Study – Jawabreh, O.A.A (The University of Jordan, Jordan)
5. The Influence of ‘Adventure Tourism Activities’ in promoting tourism business in mountain stations - S. Rabiyathul Basariya & Ramyar Rzgar Ahmed (Lebanese French University, Iraqi Kurdistan)
6. Branding of protected areas and National Parks: A case study of Montenegro - Jankovic, M., Ibrahimi, A., Stojanovic, A.J. & Vukilić, B. (University Mediterranean, Montenegro) & Seric, N. (University of Split, Croatia)
7. Modelling and forecasting Zimbabwe’s immigrants using SARIMA models - Makoni, T., Murwendo, T.D., Mawonike, R. & Chipumuro, M. (Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe)
8. Perceptions of employers on the employability of hospitality graduates in Gauteng Province, South Africa – Molefe, K.I., Roberson, J.R. & Roeloffze, A. (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
9. Rethinking the relationship with the natural environment through legally complaint sustainable tourism - van der Bank, M. & van der Bank, C.M. (Vaal University of Technology, South Africa)
10. Community Based Tourism ventures apt for communities around the Save Valley Conservancy in Zimbabwe – Hlengwa, D.C. & Maruta, A.T. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
11. Strategic Management of Tourism Stakeholders: Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela, South Africa - Litheko, A. & & Potgieter, M. (North-West University, South Africa)
12. Hotel Characteristics and the Adoption of Demand Oriented Hotel Green Practices in Zimbabwe: A Regression – Njerekai, C. (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)
13. Attributes Influencing Financial Institutions Selection by African Youth Tourists - Matipedza, T. & Sampa, M. (Rhodes University, South Africa) & Ndoro, T. & Chuchu, T. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
14. Branding in the Post-truth News era: A Social Media Hegemony in Zimbabwe Tourism Brand Equity Modelling – Chigora, F. (Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
15. A closer look into the socio-economic effects of tourism in a Bangwaketse village, south-western Botswana - Oesi Othomile and Ushe Makambe (Botho University, Botswana)
16. Preferences in university residences: A confirmatory study- Fernando Oliveira Tavares (ISCET - Higher Institute of Business and Tourism, Portugal), Luís Dias Pacheco (Oporto Global University, Portugal) & Luís Gomes Almeida (PhD student University of Vigo, Spain)
17. The role of uMkhosi WoMhlanga (Reed Dance) and Indoni Cultural events through the eyes of young women in KwaZulu-Natal: A Cultural Tourism Approach – Nkosi, G.S. (University of Zululand, South Africa)
18. Challenges and opportunities of managing festival tourism for sustainable tourism development: The case of the Ashendye Festival, North Wollo, Ethiopia - Dagnachew Nega (Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia)
19. Expectations and Realities of International Students in a South African Capital City - Adediran, O.J. (Tshwane University of Technology , South Africa) & Coetzee, W.J.L. (University of Otago, New Zealand)
20. Employee training contributes to service quality and therefore sustainability - Sao Joao, E.A., Spowart, J. & Taylor, A. ( University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
21. Upgrading the Creative Tourism Route through local food promotion in Western Thailand- Ekgnarong Vorasiha (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
22. Travel motivations of domestic tourists: The case of Zimbabwe - Mapingure, C., du Plessis, E. & Saayman, S. (North-West University, South Africa)
23. The Impact of the Thailand Olympic Academy on the Olympic Movement in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
24. Community Based Tourism Model of OTOP Village Champion (OVC): A Case Study of Hat Sompan Village, Ranong Province - Supattra Pranee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
25. Examining tourism SMMEs’ extent of use of social media technologies to position and market brands – Mosweunyane, L., Rambe, P. & Dzansi, D. (Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa)
26. Perspectives on Transformative Legislative and Policy Frameworks Promoting Tourism for poverty alleviation in South Africa - Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
27. From crayons to canvas: the enlightenment of children at an arts festival - Borstlap, H. & Saayman, M. (TREES, North-West University, South Africa)
28. Ethical Responses and Environmental Law for Ecotourism Sustainability – Nicolaides, A. & Vettori, S. (SBL, University of South Africa)
29. The Effect of Internal Complaints Systems on Employee Retention and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice - Taha, O. (Ph.D. Candidate, Girne American University, North Cyprus) & İsmet Esenyel (Girne American University, North Cyprus)
30. Strategic Expansion Framework for South African Listed Mobile Telecommunication Companies into Emerging Markets - Sigauke, J., Sibanda, R. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
31.Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Financial Performance of Hotel Companies: Empirical Evidence from India - Eissa A. Al‐Homaidi, Faozi A. Almaqtari, Anwar Ahmad (Aligarh Muslim University, India) & Mosab l Tabash (Al Ain University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates)
32. How African is the African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure? An analysis of publishing trends for the period 2011-2018 - Rogerson, C.M. & Rogerson, J.M. (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
33. An Empirical Study on the Satisfaction Level of National and International Tourists towards Natural Attractions in Kurdistan - Prabhu, M. & Abdullah, N.N (Lebanese French University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq) & G. Madan Mohan (Pondicherry University, India)
34. ‘Musiconomy’: a framework for the socio-economic development of a rural South African context - Malan, S., Strydom, A.J. & Dzansi D.Y. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
35.Forecasting CO2 Emission for Zimbabwe’s Tourism Destination vibrancy: A Univariate Approach using Box-Jenkins ARIMA Model - Chigora, F. & Mutambara, E. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) & Thabani Nyoni (University of Zimbabwe)
36. A study of South African revealed comparative advantage exports within the BRICS - Madikizela, N., Sibanda, R. & Katrodia, A. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
37. Female Business Travellers Satisfaction on Hotel Attributes in Indonesia- Ian Shandy Kharisma, Haekal Saleh Bataty , Bayu Budi Prasetyo & Roozbeh Babolian Hendijani (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia)
38. How to enhance customer loyalty through dealing with complaints at The Royal Jordanian Airlines - Salim.M.Khanfar & Saeda Afaneh (Middle East University, Jordan)
39. Cognitive Image of a Tourism Destination: the Case of Sarajevo- Amra Čaušević., Ranko Mirić., Nusret Drešković & Edin Hrelja (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
40. Analysis of the spatial impact of the tourism industry on Vietnam’s economic growth - Nguyen Viet Thai & Bui Huu Duc (Thuongmai University, Vietnam), Bui Thi Thanh (Beijing Industrial University, China), Nguyen Le Dinh Quy (The University of Danang, Vietnam) & Phan Thanh Hảia (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
41. Measuring
42. Repurchase intention and word of mouth factors in the millennial generation towards various brands of Boba drinks during the Covid 19 pandemic - Nonot Yuliantoro, Vasco Goeltom, Juliana, Innocentius Bernarto, Rudy Pramono & Agus Purwanto (Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia)
43. The influence of intrinsic, extrinsic, and consumer attitudes towards intention to stay at a Budget Hotel- Vasco Adato H. Goeltom, Yustisia Kristiana, Juliana, Rudy Pramono & Agus Purwanto (Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia)
VOLUME 8(1) 2019
1. The Ogiek Peoples’ Indigenous Knowledge: A pathway towards Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Mau Forest, Kenya - Ondabu E Kiage (Moi University, Kenya)
2. Exploring the link between pleasant tourist experiences and linguistic competence: A case study of the Gariep Dam, Free State - Haarhoff, R. & Hass, A. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
3. Ethical tourism consumption: should businesses be concerned? - Mokoena, L.G. (Central University of Technology, South Africa)
4. Psychic distance and international marketing effectiveness of fast-moving consumer goods of multinational companies in Nigeria - Okechukwu, A. & Adiele, K.C. (Rivers State University, Nigeria)
5. A Guideline on Sustainable Management of Creative Tourism in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand -Jeeranan Thongsamak (Ph.D. Candidate, Walailak University, Thailand), Jitpakdee, R. (Walailak University, Thailand) & Noonsuk, W. (California State University, United States of America)
6. The impact of behaviors and skills of tour guides in guiding tourist groups -Mohammad Shabeb Kassawnh, Issam Mohammad Al Makhadmeh (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan), Hakam S. Shatnawi, (Yarmouk University, Jordan) & Bashar M. Al Najdawi (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
7. Developing a food literacy definition for South Africa - Mr Hennie Fisher, H., Erasmus, A.C. & Viljoen, A. (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
8. Increasing values and worth of the Naga fireball tradition in Nong Khai Province: Creative learning of cultural tourism for international tourists - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
9. Identity for cultural tourism of the Bueng Kan Province, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
10. Tourist behaviors and needs corresponding to historical tourism management at Khao Phra Wihan National Park, Sisaket Province, Thailand - Thirachaya Chaigassem & Patipat Tunming (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
11. International frameworks promoting tourism for poverty alleviation and sustainable development- Mogale, P.T. & Odeku, K.O. (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
12. Production of African identity: An explorative study of The Roots Festival -Foday Yahya Drammeh & Andersson, T.D.(University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
13. Conceptualising the Contribution of Community-Based Tourism to Social Justice and Self-Determination - Giampiccoli, A. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) & Mtapuri, O. (University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa)
14. Factors Affecting Decisions on Investment Patterns for Financial Problem Solving in the Accommodation Business: the case of Nonthaburi and Pathum Thani - Krisada Sungkhamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
15. The Ethicality of the Severe Wage Gap in Cleaners Salaries in South Korea - Jeongsun Kimmm (Hanbat National University, Daejon, Republic of Korea)
16. Positioning film tourism at the top of mental awareness: some explanatory insights from the Jordanian case- Khaldoun N. Kanaan, Bashar M. Al Najdawi, & Qusay Q. Khaleefah (Al-Balqa Applied University, Aqaba University College, Jordan) & Hakam S. Shatnawi (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
17. The Ethical Standpoint of Social Influencers on Hotel E-Servicescape: A Theoretical Perspective on the Existing Literature - Shohel Md. Nafi (Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh) & Tanvir Ahmed (Lund University, Sweden)
18. Assessing Supplies of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises to the Tourism Industry in Aksum Town, Ethiopia- Tadesse Bekele (Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia) & Weldegebriel Mezgebo (Aksum University, Ethiopia)
19. The Impact of the Thailand Olympic Academy on the Olympic Movement in Thailand - Suriyan Somphong & Komkrit Rattamanee (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand) & Issadee Kutintara (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
20. Community based Sustainable Tourism Development - A tool for fostering and promoting peace: A case study of Odisha, India - Mohanty, P.P. (S O A University, India), Himanshu Bhusan Rout & Ansuman Samal (Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India)
21. Places to cities: Comprehending brands as personalities for Zimbabwean urban tourism vibrancy -Chigora, F. (Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa & Director, Catholic University of Zimbabwe) & Hoque, M. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
22. A Community Based Model of Environmental Resource Conservation and Livelihoods: Non-Governmental Organisation Supported Tšenekeng Botanical Garden in Semonkong, Lesotho - Shale, L. & Rantšo, T.A. (National University of Lesotho)
23. Factors Effect on Tourist Loyalty: A Case Study of Homestay Tourism in Ben Tre (Southern Vietnam) - Si Nguyen Van & Bang Nguyen Viet (University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
24. The Effect of Branding on Orientation and Coaching: the Mediating Role of Hotel Culture -Ahmed Ghazi Mahafzah (Girne American University, Northern Cyprus) and Ismet Esenyel (Girne American University & Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Northern Cyprus)
25. Sustainable Tourism Development a basic factor for preserving urban heritage in Algeria: An Applied study on the Casbah of Algiers – Benghadbane, F. (University ‘Larbi Ben M’hidi’, Algeria)
26. Diversification in Production and Marketing Strategies for Higher Returns on Farmlands Located in a Coastal and Tourist District of Kenya: Lessons for South Africa’s Land Reform Projects in Similar Locations – Mbatha, C.N. (Unisa, School of Business Leadership, South Africa)
27. Obstacles in the use of Tourist Information Systems: A Tourism Sector Workers’ perspective -Mohammad Shabib Khasawneh, (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan)
28. Analysing tourism stakeholder’s perceptions of the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Garden Route as a tourist destination – Ramukumba, T. (Nelson Mandela University - George campus), South Africa
29. Critical solutions for critical problems: Threats to Sustainable use and Management of Nech Sar National Park (NSNP) in Ethiopia - Seid, M. & Kakiso, T. (Arba Minch University, Ethiopia)
30. Community participation in the development of rural areas: a leaders’ perspective of tourism -Setokoe, T.J. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa), Ramukumba, T. & Ferreira, I.W. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
31. Learners’ views on challenges encountered during practical work in Consumer Studies: A case of one school in KwaZulu-Natal - Ngwenya, J.C. & Shange, N.L. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
32. Socio-cultural, geographical and financial factors that influence a tourist’s overall experience of Township Tours in the Western Cape, South Africa - Potgieter, A., Berman, G.K. & Verity, J.M. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
33. The increasing of potential in tourism logistics supply chain to Khon Kaen ME city, Thailand -Tunming, P. and Chaigasem, T. (Khon Kaen University, Thailand) & Siriwong, P. (Silpakorn University, Thailand)
34. The Effects of an English Speaking Guide Book for Cultural Travel on the Enhancement of Taxi Drivers’ English Speaking Skills - Duangkamol Thitivesa (Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand)
35. Measurement of post-flight food waste: A case of South African Airways – Hlengwa, D.C. & Sambo, N.P. (Durban University of Technology, South Africa)
36. An Ethnographic Museum and its Contribution to Tourism Development: The Case of Aksum -Teklebrhan Legese Gebreyesus & Daniel Alemshet (Aksum University, Ethiopia)
37. Interactions between University business and Government in the process and implementation of Innovations in Tourism - Gilson de Jesus Mota Rodrigues (PhD Candidate - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI, Brazil) & Francisco Antonio dos Anjos & Sara Joana Gadotti dos Anjos (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI, Brazil)
38. How work engagement affects vocal behaviour in Iraqi hotels? - Marwah Abdulkareem Zuhaira, Abdalamir Zwin & Bushra Alasadi (University of Kufa, Iraq)
39. The influence of the spiritual tourist destination attraction on international tourist’s satisfaction and return intention: Empirical evidence of Danang City, Vietnam - Phan Thanh Hai & Mai Thi Thuong (Duy Tan University, Vietnam)
40. Tourist Satisfaction Index in Saudi Arabia - Ali Medabesh & Syed Md. Faisal Ali Khan (Jazan University, Saudi Arabia)
41. The Effect of Strategic Foresight on Tourism Marketing after COVID-19 - Karar Saleh Jebur Suhail & Ghazwan Saleem Naamo (Al-Rafidain University College, Iraq), Ali Abdulhussein Gaber AlJashaam (Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University -Technical Institute of Karbala, Iraq)
42. Factors affecting the satisfaction level of business customers in the Hotel Industry: A case study of Jammu Region - Jain, D. (SoB, FoM, India)
43. How sustainable is our destination? A snap-shot from the First Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Destination Award - Diena Mutiara Lemy (Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality and Tourism, Indonesia), Amelda Pramezwary (The Republic of Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Indonesia), Frans Teguh (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo, Indonesia) & Rudy Pramono (Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
44. Investigating the influencing factors of Tourist Behaviour towards Creative Tourism and its relationship with revisit intention - Singh, R. & Nazki, A. (Central University of Kashmir, India)

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