Middlesex University Mauritius branch campus is located on an Indian Ocean Island that derives a considerable amount of income from its Hospitality and Tourism sector activities. As such, our institution is part of the economy of Mauritius that is, in part, co-dependent on the sector. The importance of an African-focussed journal, lies in the promotion of research and scholarship in Hospitality and Tourism, with a particularly African flavour. As a leading provider of private higher education in Mauritius, Middlesex University Mauritius is proud to be associated with AFRICAJOURNALS and the African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure.
Welcome on board esteemed colleagues of Middlesex University Mauritius as we chart a common course to promote sustainable societies. Africajournals is indeed greatly honoured to be in association with your prestigious and noteworthy institution. Under the exceptional leadership of Professor Mari Jansen Van Rensburg and her dedicated team we believe that you sustain an excellent standard of teaching and research which is indeed game-changing for Africa and further afield. We share your dedication in creating and promoting knowledge and putting it into action to develop fairer, healthier, more prosperous and sustainable societies. We also espouse your vision to transform outcomes for individuals, communities and organisations and to empower people to change their lives for the better.
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors must declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The articles are open-access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence CC BY: credit must be given to the creator, the title and the license the work is under. This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator.
Special Issue Call
Theme: “Exploring Sustainability and the Evolution of Food in African Communities and the Hospitality Sector”
Guest Editors
- Dr Hema Kesa: Food Evolution Research laboratory, School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. [email protected]
- Prof Amit Sharma: Director, Food Decisions Research Laboratory (FDRL), School of Hospitality Management, Penn State University, USA. [email protected]
- Prof Angeline Jeyakumar: Department of Nutrition, University of Nevada, Reno, USA. [email protected]
- Dr Alex Dimitri Tchuenchieu Kamgain: Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies (IMPM), Cameroon / Food Evolution Research laboratory, School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. [email protected]
This special issue aims to delve into the complex interplay between sustainability and the evolving food landscape within Africa's hospitality sector. Given the continent's unique challenges and opportunities, understanding the historical, cultural, economic, and environmental factors that influence food production and consumption is essential for fostering sustainable practices. Africa's food systems are currently at a crucial juncture, where achieving a balance between economic growth and food security while safeguarding diverse ecosystems and cultural heritage is imperative. This special issue will offer a comprehensive and multidisciplinary examination of the sustainability challenges and opportunities within Africa's food systems that might influence the hospitality sector. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we aim to foster dialogue, inform policy, and inspire sustainable practices that can serve as models for different regions.
Call for Papers
We invite researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to submit original research articles on topics including but not limited to:
- The historical evolution of food systems in households and the hospitality sector across Africa.
- The impact of climate change on agriculture, food and nutrition security.
- Sustainable eating practices and innovations.
- The use of artificial intelligence/technology for promoting healthy nutrition.
- Policy frameworks supporting sustainable food systems.
- Socio-economic challenges and community-based solutions.
- Indigenous knowledge and traditional food practices.
- The nutrition transition and its impact on eating patterns.
- Appreciation of African gastronomy.
Expressions of interest in contributing a paper to this special issue are invited in the form of an extended abstract (500-750 words excluding references), by 30 September 2024, to be submitted by e-mail to the address [email protected] . In addition to the title, research aims, methods, results, and research contributions, abstracts should include authorship, author affiliation(s) and contact information (including the email addresses of all authors) and keywords (maximum six).
Timeline: Key dates
- Abstract submission: September 30, 2024
- Abstract decision: October 16, 2024
- Full paper submission: November 30, 2024
- Peer Review Completion: February 03, 2025
- Final Revisions: March 03, 2025
- Anticipated special issue publication: March 30, 2025
Authors should follow the standard submission guidelines of the African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure ( All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.
All article(s) should be submitted to our Editorial Office as e-mail attachment to [email protected] - (no article will be considered that is sent via a third party)
We will consider original and significant contributions that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Articles submitted must not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. It is recommended that authors provide their once-off ORCID iD in each of their submission details. This is however not mandatory. Authors must provide full contact details including email and institutional addresses. There is an individual Cross ref DOI for every online manuscript accepted and published.
Thank you to all the reviewers who always respond very positively. The effort is much appreciated. If a reviewer is battling to review an article or the revisions for whatever reason please advise us to extend your review period or request another reviewer.
The AJHTL publishes all types of empirical and conceptual research and issues relevant to Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure with a global as well as an African focus
soliciting papers in the domains of
We are proudly making peer reviewed research research available online to a global community of practice.
AJHTL The journal incorporates all types of empirical and conceptual research in issue relevant to
Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure with an African focus . We invite authors from all corners of the globe to submit articles to us. All submissions must be well researched, informed and show good familiarity with the relevant current extant literature, concepts and also various theoretical perspectives in the areas of the study. Papers are solicited from, but not only limited to the related fields of Marketing, Strategic Management, Communication Science, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Stakeholder Management, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Nutrition, Service Quality, Sustainability and Globalization BUT these MUST relate in some way or other, to Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure in Africa and/or be generic but also have relevance for Africa.
AJHTL The journal incorporates all types of empirical and conceptual research in issue relevant to
Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure with an African focus . We invite authors from all corners of the globe to submit articles to us. All submissions must be well researched, informed and show good familiarity with the relevant current extant literature, concepts and also various theoretical perspectives in the areas of the study. Papers are solicited from, but not only limited to the related fields of Marketing, Strategic Management, Communication Science, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Stakeholder Management, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Nutrition, Service Quality, Sustainability and Globalization BUT these MUST relate in some way or other, to Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure in Africa and/or be generic but also have relevance for Africa.
ISSN | 2223 814X
PUBLICATION DETAILS - a brief history and focus
AJHTL is owned by Africajournals, and is an ACCREDITED journal founded in 2004 by the work of Prof Dr Angelo Nicolaides of South Africa who was also its First Editor in Chief. He realized that a great need existed for such a journal on the African continent and it is indeed one of a kind as it promotes multi, inter and trans-disciplinary research related to tourism, hospitality and leisure. Prof Dr Angelo Nicolaides was succeeded by Prof Dr Athena Smith of Florida, USA, followed by Dr. Willie Coetzee of Otago University, New Zealand and has also been immensely supported by Prof Dr Guido Migliaccio of the University of Sannio, Italy who have all helped to raise the standing of the journal as has our last EIC Prof. Tembi Tichaawa. Today it proudly resides in the top 100 global Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure journals sitting at position 95 on Scimago Scientific Journal Rankings.
The journal appears inter-alia, on the Scopus index and also the DOAJ and was on the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) list of approved South African journals from January 2014. AJHTL is also ranked and accredited by the highly respected EU research body, the University and Research System Assessment Agency (ANVUR, Italy).
This is an open-access journal - free use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium is allowed, provided that the journal, and original author(s) are credited.
Periodicity 2025
Frequency: 4 or 5 issues per year including a special issue( which could be as follows: 3I March, 30 June, 30 August, 30 October, 31 December). Each issue may have up to 25 -27 articles maximum. In addition there may be up to 2 special issues a year or none. A ‘Special Issue’ is a collection of papers focused on a specific topic. It may also be a collection of papers from a Conference associated with the journal.
The journal appears inter-alia, on the Scopus index and also the DOAJ and was on the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) list of approved South African journals from January 2014. AJHTL is also ranked and accredited by the highly respected EU research body, the University and Research System Assessment Agency (ANVUR, Italy).
This is an open-access journal - free use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium is allowed, provided that the journal, and original author(s) are credited.
Periodicity 2025
Frequency: 4 or 5 issues per year including a special issue( which could be as follows: 3I March, 30 June, 30 August, 30 October, 31 December). Each issue may have up to 25 -27 articles maximum. In addition there may be up to 2 special issues a year or none. A ‘Special Issue’ is a collection of papers focused on a specific topic. It may also be a collection of papers from a Conference associated with the journal.
publication Indexing and impact
AJHTL appeared
on the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET, South Africa) list of approved South African journals from January 2014 -2020 Due to a DHET rule of 2019, articles on international indices need no longer appear on their list. DOAJ |
article processing charges
There is no charge to submit a paper, but publishing a paper in AJHTL requires paper processing charges. Publication charges include publishing and administrative expenses.
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There is no charge to submit a paper, but publishing a paper in AJHTL requires paper processing charges. Publication charges include publishing and administrative expenses.
AFRICAJOURNALS is our publisher and is self-supporting and does not receive funding from any institution or otherwise. The operation of our journals is only financed by the processing fees received from authors. The processing fees are required to meet our operational expenses. Being an Open Access Publisher, we do not receive payment for subscription as the journals are freely accessible to all readers and researchers over the internet. Our open-access policy is aiding researchers across the globe and especially in developing nations as they are able to enjoy unrestricted access to our constantly improving high-quality research articles.
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